Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The holiday festivities are winding down....but not the winter chill

The first major blizzard of the season has dumped 18 inches of snow here, and Lacy and I are grateful that we can snuggle under the down comforter until Jeff puts the heat on and gets a morning fire started. We take our usual walk, though this time, it’s limited to the shoveled path along the patio. The vision of the back woods is magical when covered with snow. A visiting hawk is easily observed from the bare branches of an oak tree, as are the fresh coyote tracks heading up the slope, making this place breathtaking under the mauve morning light. There’s a newness apparent in the fresh cover, even as the end of the year approaches and final details to be seen to.
The next event for Lollypups is the Pre-Westminster Gala to take place February 11, 2011 and which we’re looking forward to. There will be new harnesses available and sweaters will continue to be reduced 15% from the on line prices. More details will be forthcoming.

The Misty Heart style will be featured in Modern Dog magazine, as a Valentine ’s Day promotion and modeled by our favorite bad girl, Daisy, who incidentally, was dressed in her holiday finery as she helped Emily and Chris host christmas festivities at their home in Albany.  Lots of laughs, good food (minus the brie that Scooter once again managed to snatch) and mostly warmth and joy as I watched the excitement my youngest exhibited in hosting her first family holiday with both her future in laws and us.  I observed the glow on the face of my first born, as she reveled in her imminent role as a mother.  I watch Lacy sleeping peacefully in a nearby corner, Scooter tucked into Jeff’s lap and Daisy on the other side, exhausted from all the activity.  These moments are the most precious. I welcome 2011 for all it’s newness and fresh beginnings, like the snow that covers the property,  and the expectations of the added joys to the  Liebo life, wedding, new baby………and all is as it should be.  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

White on white

Cold, blustery fall day (not officially winter until the 21st!!), a half inch dusting of snow on the ground and Lacy (sans sweater this morning), blends in to the point of becoming invisible.  I've had to put my sweater and harness designing on the back burner for the sake of a major fashion assignment this week, so everything I've been experiencing, has become a source of inspiration.  It's quite a hefty undertaking, but I'm realizing that my Lollypups design development skill set has brought me up to the task in a surprising way.  Past experience in the fashion biz helps but my organization and research ability was honed through having my own business and seeing what needed to be done in an efficient manner since there's no delegating here!  There's inspiration all around me--stacks of magazines and books I've collected over the years, color resources (on line and off). Color covers every inch of wall space in my studio, sample cards of yarns from Bolivia,Peru and Italy, swatches and swipes, skeins of wools and novelty yarns fill the bins on my industrial shelving.    The window looks out at the woods where the sun rises and warms the room with mauves and taupes, literally bringing color to my doorstop.
So I have this white on white concept, which I created as a pet sweater last year called Sugar and Spice. It didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to, but I've kept it filed in the back of my brain to resurrect at some point.  Standing outside and watching Lacy appear and disappear as she stepped on the rocks then on the snow, I realized another way to create this concept..and that is to take all the colors I see in this frosty natural setting and whiten them.  So back to work on my November boards.......one hand washes the other, then back to finishing Sugar and Spice.
Lacy had the zoomies again this morning, and now snores quietly at my feet.  All is as it should be.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Berkshire Botanical Gardens Holiday Market place Dec. 3, 4, 5 2010

This shot of Ms. Lacy sums up our weekend.  Could I but climb in beside her........She was the hit of the Berkshire Botanical Gardens Holiday Marketplace, as were the sweaters!  Can't say sales were outstanding but I broke even and made a small profit.
Also, I learned:
a) 3 people had bichons larger than Lacy and not as well behaved
b) 4 people had poodles all of whom were the "smartest dogs on the planet".
c) 8 people had dogs too large to fit into Lollypups sweaters, or too tough and macho for sweaters!
d) 11 people had dogs who passed away this year (jeez...talk about depressing!)
e)  4 people whose dog had died said they couldn't bear to get another
f)  1 woman said she'd get another dog once she retires, and 1 woman will get another dog when she stops travelling
g) 1 husband flatly refused to let his wife buy a sweater for their dog.......and she came back 5 minutes later and did anyway.  (You go girl!)
h) dogs were named: Killer (poodle),Sadie (border collie), Pete, Zac, Molly and Sacha.

i) Jane, the mom of "Christmas Cookie", an ADORABLE little piece of fluff,  bought the Pepper style in XS and came back the next day to show me how well it fit her. She even consented to model a beautiful new silk harness for a photo op! ....(could you just??..........)
j)  76 brochures were handed out to be passed on to daughters, sons, friends, mothers, aunts, nieces or to order on line after measuring their pet. Or were simply being polite as I thrust it into the hands of browsers!
k) 1 woman advised me that I needed a publicist to get the product noticed (Yes, but it takes $$) then came back and gave me other "ideas". Her husband came by and taught me how to correctly teach Lacy to "sit" since I was doing it all wrong. (he was right)
l) a woman stopped and raved about my burlap swag!!! and offered to buy it.  (huh?) no mention of the products sitting on the table below it.  I let her take pictures............
m) and lastly, a woman came with her black dog on a leash, and said as Lacy approached it, "don't let her near him.  He'll think she's a rabbit and eat her"........so I didn't.
For the gala opening on Friday night, there was an open bar and the chardonnay flowed.  I sampled the most phenomenal cheeses and a duck something or other (brain freeze) that was to die for from Popovich Provisions (www.popovichprovisions.com) did a bit of my own holiday shopping, at www.silvertwistdesign.com with beautiful and affordable silver and gemstone jewelry, also fair trade produced. 
All in all, Lacy entertained everyone by looking beautiful, I was entertained by everyone listening to their dog stories and the praise for the sweaters was gushed liberally by all (smile). 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Marketplace Preview is going to be a fancy schmancy event!!

Just heard that the weekend Lacy and I are scheduled to participate in the Berkshire Botanical Gardens Holiday Marketplace is the very weekend that the Norman Rockwell Christmas festivities kick off the holiday season.The  Red Lion Inn will be decked out magnificantly as well as the quaint Stockbridge shops,  carollers will be carolling, vendors and shop keepers will be dressed in period costume and all the usual greenery and twinkling lights that launch this fun time of year will be on view.   The Norman Rockwell Christmas is a yearly event that  always attracts a big crowd.   The preview opening of the BBG Holiday Marketplace will be stocked with outstanding  dried wreaths created for the gardens, as well as crafts and LOLLYPUPS DESIGNER PET WEAR. ::giggles::   
"The town of Stockbridge, made famous by Norman Rockwell’s painting of the village during the holidays, becomes a magical New England setting decorated with holiday wreaths and festive lights, as the town celebrates the 21st annual Stockbridge Main Street at Christmas, December 4th and 5th.
Sponsored by the Stockbridge Chamber of Commerce, the holiday celebration offers a full range of activities, with highlights including a holiday house tours, caroling, and a holiday concert (which I'm sorry to say, is already sold out).
Capping off the weekend on Sunday is a re-creation  of the scene depicted in "Main Street at Christmas", complete with vintage automobiles parked in the spots occupied in the painting. The day’s activities include horse drawn rides, a visit from Santa, Roger the Jester, lunch at the Christmas Food Booth and much more."
For a hefty $75 admission charge, patrons get first look at all there is to offer on Friday evening Dec. 3rd,   but they also get to sample food and wine from the area restaurants for that admission fee, which goes to support the botanical gardens. Not to fret though, Saturday and Sunday are free to the public and parking is free too.    I'm not sure what other vendors will be participating  as I didn't receive this years list.  But Lacy and Lollypups will be there with bells on (literally) and brand new harnesses as well as the unique alpaca sweaters for pets and matching people scarves.  Great gifts for all those chic pets and pet parents out there. Really excited about it and looking forward to getting my Christmas shopping done all in one spot as well.  All this and a little bit of Americana too.  Do I sound like the chamber of commerce, or  what??

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dog news Senior style

Yes Lacy is a Senior and I hate to admit it, my status as such will be official in two more years. The question "how to cope with the ageing process" I’m able to answer about the senior "me". That is, simply ignore it. Do what you've done all your life; exercise, eat right, laugh, create, love family and friends, enjoy a glass or two of wine, be kind and hurt no one. The senior Lacy is another prospect altogether. I watch her and worry when she stumbles, I call her and worry when she doesn't respond, I touch her and worry when she jumps as if startled. It's harder to watch her slow down than it is for me to deal with my torn meniscus, thinning hair, acid reflux and gnarly hands. I wear a knee brace, put my hair in a pony tail, take prilosec and play my fiddle....all to stem the flow of an ageing body and mind. I can do these things. But my little girl (can't help still calling her that) is sometimes confused, sometimes skittish, always ready for a nap and stubbornly resistant to taking walks. For over a year,  I've cooked her chicken and rice, shredding it in the food processor to compensate for her missing teeth. It was after she suffered from an intestinal infection last February that had me wringing my hands in anticipation of the dreaded words " she won't make it". She did.

But today, as she does every now and then, she reverts to her puppy-like state and plays hide and seek with me at the top of the stairs (which she refuses to walk down unless I'm behind her).  Her mighty bark , sort of a gurgling "raou raou" sound, leads me to believe that she's getting annoyed with me laughing at her as she peeks from behind the wall to see if I'm still there, then bolts away only do it again and again... always refusing my request to come down the carpeted steps with me.
She makes me laugh at how smart she is, looking at the door, then at me, than at the door again, until I take her out.   I delight in her ability to curl up on the tiniest fragment of something that belongs to me,a sock, a skein of yarn,  and take a nap. On our excursions to the back yard, she becomes a fierce protector at the sight of deer in the back woods, and charges after them as they run at the sound of her shrill bark.  But always stopping short of catching up with them, she turns to see if I'm still there to step in if necessary. It's as if to say, "you pests stay OUT of MY back yard, if you know what's good for you"  And they obey, (temporarily)
She stays with me in my studio all day as I work, and follows me out for my frequent bathroom breaks.  When she informs me of her equally frequent need to pee, I patiently oblige.
Lacy and I are growing old together and I have realized over the years, that she's added more to my life than I ever imagined she would when she was my daughter's puppy. When my daughter went off to college, Lacy stayed with me and has been my best friend ever since ( I never even thought to give her back).  
Mostly though, Lacy is my canine soul mate. I have my husband (soul mate #1) and my two daughters (my love for them is beyond description). But my "little girl" and I have a relationship I share with no one. As we grow old together, I sense her frailties along with my own. We talk like two old broads on a squeaky rocker (or I talk and she graciously listens with her head on my lap) or we sit silently together in the back yard, feeling the warmth of the sun on our faces.   But mostly, she surprises me with her occasional agility and its similarity to my own (now and then) as if she and I are completely simpatico like best friends are.  I read that to keep a senior dog healthy one must continually stimulate them both mentally and physically.  Teach an old dog new tricks, so to speak. I try to do something each day…. a physical command, a tossed toy to fetch, it lasts for about three minutes, then we both grow tired and take a rest. I guess that’s better than nothing.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blustery Fall day....hail and rain and leaves twirling ferociously

Halloween can't just come and go without a picture to celebrate.  Our house sits on top of a hilly cul de sac so we don't get trick or treaters and I don't dress Lacy in costume (she's way too proper for that) but she did manage to pose in the Pepper sweater beside our pumpkin.  I can't ask for much more than that.   
Today is a perfect day for completing some harness designs.  I did want to go into the city on a selling trip to a couple of doggy day care places that just opened, but will wait for tomorrow when I have more items to show.  Meanwhile, Lacy and I travelled to Philly over the weekend and visited the headquarters of Anthropologie (their flagship store) and were totally wowed by the place.  It looked hip and palatial,  with pillars, high ceilings and a stained glass dome.  I didn't know whether to drool over the surroundings or the product so I did both.  Lots of ooing and aahing from this Lollymama and lots from the patrons and sales people in the store as I walked past with Lacy wearing her Candy sweater. The diva dog refused to walk (new?) so I'm very thankful for the time I spend in the gym building up my biceps.  I hate the idea of carrying her like an accessory but in this environment, it worked and she got a lot of attention.  The manager of the store gave me the contact number for the buying office so I can approach them about carrying the designs and I placed a call today.  I'd be so honored !! Philly is a nice city and is filled with dogs (all dressed in sweaters!) prancing down the streets on a brisk Sunday morning so Anthro would be an ideal situation for us! 
I should know if I'm in the running for one of the grants I applied for by the first of December.  Meanwhile, I just want to sell the product I have now (retail or wholesale) and get on with new pieces! 
So, update complete...........now back to work.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

UPCOMING EVENTS - Think Holiday gift giving! (already??????)

I'm waiting patiently (no other choice)  to hear about the grants I've applied to so far, so that I can keep this venture up and running, place more ads in pet product magazines and  to submit new designs to add to the inventory (but can't do that just yet).  There are lots of new sketches and developments for black on black and white on white confections, embellished and bejeweled.......another "boy" sweater, easy on harnesses in beautiful brocade and also embellished, matching leashes and new colorways for the existing styles.    The Holiday Festival at the Berkshire Botanical Gardens will take place on Dec. 3 -4-5 .  It's a high end craft event whose opening benefit  reception is a $50 per person gala affair where early buyers get to have cocktails and food from the numerous fine restaurants in the area (it's their 20th year) and have first buying privileges.  This will be my first year doing it and although the Harvest Festival we did there this October was disappointing, this one is said to be enjoyed by more a "affluent and enthusiastic crowd who are poised to buy." Lacy and I will have a table and hope to entice buyers with special sales and offers, gift wrapping service and other perks.  Lots on the Lollypups plate already but additional events will definitely toss in a few obstacles along the already bumpy road of small business ownership. Daughter number 2 is getting married next year so we're already involved in bridal expos, venue shopping, dress decisions etc.  But it's all good and Lacy and I are beside ourselves with joy (though Lacy doesn't know yet that she may not be invited) 
Knee surgery may also throw a monkey wrench into the works when and if I decide to go through with it but things have to all be in place before I do.  Put that on the "to do" list with more added each day.  And so it goes..........

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Our favorite cause

Lacy and I attended another adoption event for the Larchmont, NY branch of Pet Rescue, an all volunteer non-profit organization whose mission is to take in abandoned and neglected dogs and cats and provide them with medical care, and foster homes until a forever home is found for them. The dogs were (of course) the most charming, beautiful and loving participants and I'm happy to say, while I was there, 6 of them were adopted. The event was held at Calling All Dogz , a flower shop and pet product boutique in Larchmont NY, owned and operated by Liz Alfari who's very presence bursts with friendliness and affection, making her the perfect fairy-dog mother. Her twinkling eyes and enthusiastic laugh made the event a delight to observe as she greeted each potential pet parent and espoused all the great qualities of each dog and cat present and available to adopt.
I loved Dax, a 13 month old mini poodle who was sweet, calm and loving, regularly enveloping his foster mom with kisses.
Another beauty was Smokey, a Pomeranian mix who lost his left front leg after being hit by a car.  In spite of this, he gets around great and swallows up all the attention he receives.  Such a sweet boy!
There was a sister team of unknown breed who both stood on their hind legs at every passer by as if to say, "look at me", "pick me". They both melted my heart and would make a great pair of companions for any child. A little girl came by twice announcing, “next week's my birthday!! Please mom, please can I have a dog”, and of course, the two sisters jumped all over her and kissed her as if trying to seal the deal. (I think they did)  And there were little puppies, being terminally cute as is their function.  Lacy in her Lucky sweater, sat regally in her usual "buy my sweater" pose.  We handed out brochures and were happy for the crisp fall weather to drive the point home that all pets NEED a Lollypups sweater. Old man winter is approaching fast.

After doing wedding stuff for my youngest for the past 3 days, it will be good to get back on track. We stopped in on a few pet boutiques in Manhattan on Sunday, that will need following up as well as the two or three that looked right in Westchester. I'm slowly moving over to the retail possibilities at this point. Though not totally discouraged, the lack of traffic to the website and slow sales are making me rethink my strategy. People still LOVE the product......I need to focus on bringing the cost down too-- something I will be working on on my next trip to Peru.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The ongoing education of this Lollymama

It's almost as if mother nature announced "let's give this broad a break for a change" and blew the bad weather out to sea.  I nervously chewed my already stubby nails, anxiously waiting for the weather report to change so the Harvest festival at the Berkshire Botanical Gardens that weekend wouldn't be a soggy, rain soaked disaster.  It poured all day Thursday and into Friday (which of course, was when I had to set up the booth) but the prediction was for two days of brisk, sunny fall magnificence, and it surely was.

I arrived in Stockbridge by three pm Friday, car filled to the brim with all my vendor material and tons of product, and my bad knee throbbing from the two and a half hour car trip.  (Naturally, I said to Lacy while she scurried beside me anxious to find a suitable pee spot).  Luckily the volunteers were very helpful in supplying a big wheelbarrow-like cart for me to lug the stuff to my spot. 

Being it was my first venture into craft fair commerce and completely on my own (what was I thinking???),
I was totally inept, all thumbs with the brain function of a platter of chopped liver.  Can't believe what a non-spatial thinker I am.  If I had my friend Jo with me, (proven to be the ace of solution calculation) it wouldn't have taken me three and a half hours to set up one canopy which was similar in structure to a giant 10x10 square umbrella and supposedly as simple to open. ( on the box of course)   I also purchased separately, three side wall tarps which (I finally surmised at hour #3) had to be rolled up and left open to allow the still billowing winds to pass through without blowing over the whole flimsy structure. 

But all turned out fine by Saturday morning.  My sister Maggy and her friend Jane were there to help me set up the tables and fixtures.  We hung large pictures of the dogs wearing the different styles, put out the product and set up shop, with a spilled box of straight pins the only mishap. (twice.....butterfingers that I am)!

Lacy was the BEST model ever, mostly because she was so tired.  If people were looking down, they spotted her lying regally in her bed, wearing a sweater, saw that pet sweaters were what I was selling and came in to look around.  The second type of customer saw the rack of sweaters and immediately assumed they were for babies, THEN looked down at Lacy and exclaimed "they're for dogs!!!"  Little kids came over to pet her (or the iron dog with the welcome sign beside her)  Mostly though, people loved talking to me about their dogs and I loved hearing about them and how much they were loved.  The crowds also loved the sweaters, though not the price but then,  there were those customers who purchased 2 and 3 items, and money wasn't an issue.  I need more of those!!
Next project, a) figure out how to make the sweaters cheaper and b) start offering sweaters for babies too!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The best things in life are doggie...........

I sometimes forget in my busy schedule, to pay attention to Lacy and she sure lets me know it.  Lately she just barks for what I think is no reason other than to annoy Jeff and me but when I stop what I'm doing and listen to her, it's like she's demanding attention.  And rightfully so since that is what's been lacking lately and she's so used to getting it when I'm not so busy.
I got the side walls for the canopy at a hardware store near the marina in Mamaroneck.  I figured that would be the best place to find tarps if they're the ones that boaters use, and I was right. So now, if a hurricane comes, the side walls are water proof and I'll be (hahah) protected from the wrath of the storm.  That's the worst case scenerio ofcourse.  It's on again off again with the weather but today is tuesday so who knows what's to take place on the Harvest festival weekend.  If the hurricane moves out to sea we'll have beautiful, cool weather, perfect for pet sweater sales.  If not, it will be my daughters' 2009 wedding all over again (also known as Woodstock revisited)
Something about the Berkshires, the Liebermans and the desire for splendid weather that somehow doesn't jell for one reason or another. 

Every thing is in place.  I'll drive up Friday morning with all necessary stuff, set up and hope for the best.
After this, it's literally back to the drawing board.  I need to send Patricia the new development to start working on.  I won't hear about the grant until December 1 and the Holiday Fair at the botanical gardens will be upon us on Dec 3-4 so I need to get the holiday line of harnesses made and ready. 
Lacy needs my undivided attention now.  She's making a wierd squeeking noise that I imagine is her attempt at communicating "potty time" in dogspeak.

Lollypups Petwear TM: Preview "The best things in life are doggie..........."

Lollypups Petwear TM: Preview "The best things in life are doggie..........."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Preparations continue..........

All week I've been creating small vintage-look garment hangers to display the Lollypups sweaters at the Berkshire Botanical Gardens Harvest Festival, next weekend.  Got the last decoupage pup in place, applied finish, sanded, steel-wooled, applied more finish, sanded, steel-wooled, applied more finish, sanded, steel-wooled.....long process but able to do it in steps while accomplishing other things, and they turned out great.

Mid week Lacy and I went to meet Winston, a bichon poodle mix at A New Leash on Life pet shelter in upper Westchester.  He is a wonderful dog; lively, playful, adoring...just the kind of companion I would love.
Unfortunately, Lacy was too skittish around him and cringed when he came near her , making me realize that a companion for her isn't going to work after all, because she was never really socialized in her 12 years except for Amos who was a little older than she was.  In the coulda, shoulda rationalization, I should have adopted another dog when Lacy was young.  It's too late for her now and I certainly don't want to add stress to her life.  Winston deserves a good home and I hope he gets one.  I'll do what I can for him and get the word out. He's such a handsome boy!

Back to sewing buttons on scarves and pinning hangtags......

Friday, September 17, 2010

What did I learn this week?.................

I learned that I am NOT a radio personality and CANNOT speak articulately when being interviewed live.  Granted it was the local Westchester radio station WVOX and not Oprah, still.........I think I'll just hole away in my studio and create beautiful pet wear instead of talking about it.  Some things I cannot do.......
Interestingly though, I did get into the city today and thought I'd drop by Ritzy Canine Carriage House on East 40th Street to finally meet up with Kristina, the owner, a lovely, statuesque, businesslike but friendly young woman who graciously allowed me to show her the collection.  She was very positive and loved four of the styles, promising me an order once she figured out what she'd need.  Ritzy Canine Carriage House is one of those do everything kind of city establishments where they not only keep pets in doggie day care (large pets upstairs and little guys down stairs) but sells high end pet products, apparel, toys etc in their ....well.......Carriage House, great old building, tastefully done.    A perfect fit for Lollypups. 

I stopped by FIT today, to retrieve the Sorbet Valentine sweater that was making the rounds with Pet Fashion Week.  Paige, a true Lollypups fan, insisted that I try to produce this style as a Lollypups Couture.  I would if it wasn't so freaking expensive......come on......silk yarns, angora, cotton, metallic.......tiny stitches (I think it's all done in single crochet!!) it would take a week or more just to make one.  How cost effective is that???
So I guess Lacy will be the only one to own this "couture" style, good press when she wears it, but I don't see how it can be reproduced.  That's the problem with my designs.  They emerge from my head to my fingers and I don't pay much attention to commerce when I do them.  Too bad.  It is pretty.  I'll try to do a simplified version (though Misty Heart was my attempt at simplifying....it looks good, but maybe TOO simple.  The colors also, make it look special.  Back to the drawing board Paige. (the place I like to be the most). 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

UK National Dog Adoption Month

Networking works and I was asked to pass on this information via dogsblog.com which is in the UK.
For our pet loving fans across the pond, September is national dog adoption month. For the US, it's in October, but I'll spread the word any day of any month of the year, no matter where it's promoted. Here's the link: http://www.dogadoptionmonth.co.uk/

Promoting pet adoption has always been a topic near and dear to my heart and Lollypups Petwear tries to do it's part in supporting this worthy cause.
I'm also in the process of adopting a companion for Lacy (and me) and I'm getting quite an education in doing so. The shelters don't just hand out puppies like they used to years ago. It's now a lengthy process and a very necessary one because the dogs are cared for by the shelter that houses them, and medical care, food etc. costs money. There's an application process so that the right parent is chosen for the right dog. That's ok with me since Lacy and I are always around, and we have all the prerequisites for making a good home for any pet. Because of my allergies, I'm limited to what I can adopt and may have to consider fostering an animal first to make sure Lacy, me and my malfunctioning sinuses are compatible. It's a thought.... although knowing me, I'd run for the Claritin if I fell in love with a foster. It works when my 2 terrier grand dogs visit.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Virginia Beach visit

I left Lacy with her daddy and they went off for a weekend in the Hamptons while I flew with my three sisters to Virginia Beach We went to visit Aunt Marie and Muffy, her sweet, latte colored 5 year old chihuahua. I brought down my first "Maxine" experimental sweater, which was really tiny, (good for a belly shirt) thinking that Muff was much smaller then she really was but she graciously allowed Aunt Marie to put it on her and let me take pictures. She looked adorable, prancing around for the camera and although my aunt was touched that I brought it for her (and proud of me and my newly launched business) she doesn't put any apparel on Muffy ever! ( definitely not my customer) so off it came when the photo shoot ended. I did like how, even though it was the wrong size and too short (she could have used the xs), it still stretched and fit comfortably, getting me to conclude that maybe I can offer this size for the teacup breeds.

On our last day, we had brunch at the beach and I spied 3 Bichons on an outing on the boardwalk in their enclosed stroller. Dogs aren't allowed on the boardwalk at certain times of the day because of the crowds, until after labor day. They were just so adorable, I was compelled to take a picture. Taking care of one Bichon is hard enough for me, but these three looked well groomed in their fuffy bichon style haircuts and their pet parents were obviously devoted to them, pet papa proudly shooting pix after pix as their heads peeked out of the window.

I'm home and up now at 5am and tired so I may have to rewrite this after I've had my coffee. Meanwhile, I'm deep in preparation for the Harvest Festival and made a couple of purchases for it at a huge antique emporium my sister took me to in Va. Much yet to do, the biggest thing is finding a tent. More later........Lacy needs to go out.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Pet Fashion Week(end)

Slim pickin's at PFW this summer. Too bad. The products and the exhibitors were ALL great, their booths looked inviting and the offerings were very high end, current and totally saleable. It's just that there were fewer exhibitors this year than last but at $2000 a pop for a booth, I can see why exhibitors chose to stay away. Though the rain and steamy humid weather might have turned off some attendees, (I didn't go on Saturday but chose steamy Sunday instead), it's still a tiny venue that should be greater. The show in Sao Paolo, Brazil was over the top so why couldn't it be as great in New York where it first originated? In the heart of the garment industry. Derek and Mario are smart and must know the answer to that question, but I sure don't. It probably all stems from money (doesn't everything).

When PFW first began in 2006 I think it was, there were 6 foot tall models wearing haute couture and walking or carrying pets in equally haute apparel down a fashion runway. I wasn't in the petwear business then, but was still enraptured by the idea of catwalks with dogs on center stage. I know the economy has fizzled and luxury, or frivolous items moved WAY down on the priority list of most consumers, but........Just like Starbuck's philosophy, the key is to convince people that they truly WANT the best coffee on the planet and will truly WANT to pay $2.00 for it (or whatever a vente goes for nowadays.......)

To my benefit though, the vendodrs I spoke with were friendly and happy to talk to me and willing to share their ideas even though I was not a buyer, .............I love dog people.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Another bull is killed for a blood sport

So the news today is that in the Navarra region of Northern Spain, where they are still permitted to continue the blood "sport" of bull fighting, a bull jumped the barrier protecting spectators, (on its third attempt) and injured 40 people. The "sport" taking place was actually not a bull fight where the animal is taunted by one matador, tortured into submission, then slaughtered with a sword. Instead, young men prove their manhood by antagonizing the bull into chasing them, so they can show their bravery by running away. Hmmmm.......I don't get how that concept works but....
End result of course is that the animal is subdued then promptly killed and again I ask "why?"
Cruel treatment of humans is something animals aren't capable of. Self preservation, fight or flight....that's normal. No animal is thinking, let me see how many spectators I can take out today. WHY is the animal killed when it's natural reaction to being abused, is to fight back?
It's sickening that once again, humans think it's within their right to slaughter a helpless beast.
Yes the bull was 1100 pounds, with one horn (the other having broken off in it's attempt to jump the barrier) and given a fair fighting chance could have injured or killed many more people. The sad fact is that if these Spanish sons were killed while proving their manhood, their mothers would still be heartbroken and I'm sure, not feel pride in their "achievement". Maybe if the bull succeeded in doing more harm, this archaic, backward custom would also be banned here as it was in the Catalan region of Southern Spain. Too risky for humans ( sadly, never considering the animal)
But hey, if that what it takes, I hope it happens soon.........

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Getting the word out....step by step

The article written about Lollypups, Lacy and me in the Rivertowns Enterprise, came out August 13, 2010 and was a nice little perk. There's a column called"business buzz" for local business owners celebrating grand openings or offering unique new products, so I sent out the press materials to them and boom.......get a call. I did the same for Westchester Magazine but no word there .....and for all the consumer pooch magazines. No free press there either. They sent me the press kits to their respective magazines with their astronomical rates and said they'll let me know if they want to do a feature article....so that tactic didn't work. Not to give up though.
Doggie Aficionado did a nice job on the ad and, with minor tweeking, I approved it and it went to press the 13th as well. The "Best of " issue comes out in October. Then I can either use the same ad, or make another one for the Winter/ Holiday issue and a third one for Spring 2011. I need to develop some more Spring styles but can always feature Maxine (and offer other color combos). That would be fun.
Meanwhile, the freelance gig didn't work out (too slow), so I'm back in semi-retirement mode.
Not too upset about that though. It just made me realize how much I dislike working for other people. It's just not for me any more. I did my time. That's why I have to make Lollypups work....Everything about it is delightful!!
Got word back from Stockbridge Botanical Gardens, who I contacted about Lollypups being a vendor at their Holiday Marketplace from December 3-5....well, almost. The woman in charge was away but the director of the Gardens loved the website ...quote: These are adorable! ... and told me I'd be contacted at the end of August. That sounds like it may be worthwhile, as long as it's not too expensive for a table. Lots of cold weather up there in the Berkshires, lots of pet lovers and lots of wealth. Especially around the holidays..........it's so very Norman Rockwell!
Meanwhile, I was looking for more of those really cute vintage wood hangers that I love and came upon children's ABC blocks (the big kind). So I rummaged through and found all the letters for LOLLYPUPS plus a picture of a dog. Don't know what I was thinking when I told the owner I needed a "space" between Lolly and pups. (brain freeze) Glad to know the extra block was free and that they're making tremendous progress in treating Alzheimer's.
So, Italian dinner in the West Village with the spouse tonight, then a rock concert ....And onward I tread.........

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What a reaction to the website.......

Now let's see if the sweaters sell!!. Erika did a fantastic job, put in a little musical ditty she composed, figured out all the paypal, shopping cart and page turning stuff and Jeff sent out a mass e/mail to all his friends and posted the link to his fans on facebook so we got a lot of hits.....but no sales. But it is August and it is 90 degrees!! Who in their right mind would purchase a sweater for their dog in sweltering heat?? I did have to get in the inventory now though because the consumer magazines such as Doggie Aficionado, Modern Dog, Fido Friendly and the rest, all put the cold weather issues to bed in August and September. I did take out an ad for Doggie Aficionado for the next three months and happily, I will be billed each month so the meager remains of my seed money will stretch a bit longer.
Got an e/mail from the local paper (to which I sent a press release) and they'll be doing a story about Lollypups and me. Dad will be proud so I won't say anything to him, just send him the article, which will come out on August 13.
Ofcourse, the one person I would LOVE to have see it, is Eileen Fisher. A little intro before I apply for her grant for woman owned businesses. Can't hurt.....
Meanwhile, I took on a freelance assignment to try to earn some money since we've been dipping into our savings for two and a half years. I'm glad the bulk of Lollypups is completed, so the timing really is ok.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Cabin Fever and the Mini VaCa....

Soooo ready to go on an outing with the spouse and Lacy. We had to keep the length to a minimum being that there was still work to be done but.......... we all needed a break.

Set out in the sports car (the bumble bee) and once Lacy was tucked in her nook by my feet, off we went, top down on a summer day crystal clean and deliciously sunny. Headed north taking a leisurely scenic route and ended up stopping in Stockbridge, Mass. for lunch. The first place we tried, was the patio of the Red Lion Inn where the matre'd apologized and said that it was a Massachusetts law--no dogs allowed where food is being served. So, we walked half a block and found another little place called "Once Upon a Restaurant", tucked in from the main street, that had outdoor seating. The owner was very accommodating as far as Lacy was concerned. Hmmmmmm......I guess he didn't know about the "Law". Lunch was tasty but sparse and it was nice to sit outside with Lacy, though Jeff constantly moaned about how difficult it was to do anything with the dog. (He turned out to be the least dog friendly of those we encountered in our travels.)

He barked at me "They won't take dogs", as I walked toward Cafe Lucia, a nice Italian restaurant on Church Street, in Lenox with outdoor tables. I went inside, dog in arms, and proceeded to make a reservation for 7 o'clock. I was told that people always bring their dogs there. Hmmmm.....she didn't hear about the "Law" either and Jeff was finally mute (grin).

Where to stay the night? Jeff checked with the local chamber of commerce who suggested places that were$300 a night and up. They were not pet friendly anyway so the astronomical rates were a moot point. I called a B&B, the Cornwell Inn right on Main street and the person I spoke with was very chatty but vague. Yes, no, not sure, so we took our chances and it turned out to be a very nice place, though they don't advertise as being pet friendly. We convinced Lisa at the front desk that Lacy doesn't bark, doesn't pee on the floor, and will be with me at all times so she found us a room without a rug. (as if.......) and everything I said turned out to be true. Lacy was her usual well behaved self. (after all, it's only my rug she likes to pee on).

Breakfast was fine, nothing outstanding, organic this and that. The people who ran the place (it's owned by the bank since the previous owners skipped town) were Israeli and seemed a bit disturbed by our having talked Lisa into letting us stay though they were uber-friendly at breakfast, with all the other guests present. Aran, the husband, showed up at the room as we were checking out, "to make sure we didn't forget anything". Really.

So it was a nice little getaway with a few thumb tacks tossed in. Final determination........Stockbridge and Lenox are NOT 100% dog friendly places but if you're pushy enough, you can find something unless you like your adventures to be serendipitous like we do.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Two giggles to start off the week

Giggle No. 1 - We call this "Scootshi". Or "Scooter roll."
He does like to be surrounded in a safe cocoon
whenever he rides in the car. Travel anxiety. And that really isn't a mournful look of sadness on his face, but the heavy lidded, drooping eyes that go along with his relaxed Yoda ears. In two minutes he'll be sound asleep. My baby grand dog helps me start the day with a smile.

Giggle No. 2 - is the sort that comes from giddy, squeeking excitement. All four packages of the production order arrived from Peru today. Easy peasy. I picked them up at the post office and am now sorting through them, getting them ready to sell. The new button samples also arrived and they look great on the Lucky and Tigger scarves so I have to order the dozen I need of each since the other buttons I bought don't look half as good. Lesson learned once again-- stick with first instincts. Color always looks great! It wasn't a major expense but I'm trying to keep any additional cost to the scarves as low as possible. Gladly though, the wholesale pricing is 40% less so that will be a nice savings.
In the "any day now" catagory, the hangtags should also be ready this week after having approved the layout last Wednesday.....and finally (and happily) the website is finished. WHOOT!!
It's really terrific and will get better as we update it. Erika is quite the geek (saving me a bundle in the process). Then there's the cost of advertising. Holy Hannah!! Here's another major decision I have to make as I try to stretch the meager remainder of the seed money to accomodate print ads. Like Doggie Aficionado and Modern Dog.
I think I have to forget about the advice from my mentors and get a loan after all. To wait till the sweaters start to sell would just be wasting valuable time that could be spent on
designing, advertising, sending out press releases (for free publicity) and all those other good things that go along with start ups. Still.........I'm feeling pretty good about how things have progressed and if I find the right selling venue, I could get this whole thing up and running in time for the holidays.......which was my intent all along. Good job Patricia! On time delivery is a huge plus.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Elegant yarns are spinning around in my head

Spin Expo, the premier fiber and yarn trade show is taking place at the Altman Building on 18th Street in NYC, July 19, 20 and 21. The yarns I've seen are luscious, especially the ones from Italy and though expensive, I've found several vendors with small minimums (which is the first question I always ask) They are very gracious and helpful and will be sending me style cards and even a ball or two of my yarns of choice to work into the new sweater designs. It's so exciting really because I can visualize what I originally wanted to do with Lollypups from the onset and now that I know who produces the yarns that would work for me, I feel a freedom that had been stiffled before, now opening up with new possibilities. Another thing I'm realizing, that in order to make these elegant, high end garments, although the crochet ones will be the bread and butter collection, with additional styles done by Peru, I may have to consider creating something for to be made by knitting machine. Stoll has a wonderful set up here in NY, with an online library and capabilities to create custom swatches. It's making my head spin.

There's a Spanish supplier I found who has the purple lurex yarn I had searched high and low for to use in the Misty style. Ofcourse it's too late now and Misty is a bit more subdued than the original, but for future reference, his minimums are low and they would send product (as was the case with all the vendors) to Peru.

It's been a fruitful couple of days. I wired Patricia the balance for production so she will be sending out the 4 boxes tomorrow. I've made some mistakes which I know is part of the learning process, but am excited to see the first collection and what the outcome will be.

I'm down to my last thousand dollars so I hope I can start replenishing my funds soon!

And finally, Patricia sent the picture of the Tigger scarf! Looks good. I'm convinced though that I must do the Candy and Misty styles as well. I'll work on the specs and let Patricia develop the samples since she has the yarn . Once I have the funds I can place another order or maybe by that time, I'll have gotten a loan. Back to work.............

Friday, July 16, 2010

There's something just wrong about trying to sell sweaters in 97 degree heat!

I sit at my computer, air conditioner humming, attic fan sucking out the hot air in the attic above my studio ceiling, and my portable fan is clipped to the edge of the desk, turned toward me, blowing. That's how hot it is today.

Lacy has been feeling under the weather for the past 4 days (I thought it was the heat which it was , partly) but it seems she got that stomach infection again so I started her on the rice and chicken diet as before. She sleeps beside me on the floor, not even interested in the nice soft pillow beside her. Then she gets up and slowly moves toward another spot, I never know where to find her, but she sleeps. It makes me realize how old and slow she's getting and I shiver, even in the heat.

On to the business at hand. Patricia is shipping everything on Monday the 19th as promised. In the end I think things were handled kind of sloppy on my part and on hers. In our anxiousness to get things resolved so as to keep the shipping date, I've let a few minor things slide with the scarves. I asked if I could have a picture sent of the Tigger draped on the mannequin since I never got one. Patricia said she can do it on Monday when they're ready to be shipped because one of her ladies is working from her home not with the workshop and so she hasn't seen it. That scares me. If she hasn't seen it, who's minding the store? Next time, I don't want to do development of stock before finalizing everything first when I'm in Peru. Sample development is one thing, production is another. I do have a lot of confidence in Patricia, she's been on target most of the time but my funds are running dangerously low and I can't afford any mistakes.

I finally heard back from Fair Trade Knitters. My last contact with them was back in January!
They work with Ecuador where there is some beautiful wool production so I'm anxious to see if they will follow up this time and give me color and quality information. At least they're local and it might be easier working through them from here. I do need other sources, that's for sure!

Erika is doing a great job on the website. I'm truly in awe of my first born and her tech capabilities. I thought I was pretty website savvy but she has been constantly coming up with little bits and pieces that make the new site look good and much more clever than I can. She does get short with me if I don't understand something after trying to explain it to me umpteen times. Like how the hell does Twitter work?? I can't help it if I'm slow.........hmmmmm........Lacy and I may be "old dogs" but we're not incapable of learning new tricks ;(

I think I'll play my fiddle now.......I know I'm better at it than she is::::hee hee:::

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dog days of summer and petwear progress........

After a glorious and restful 4th of July weekend at our friend's magnificent home in Southampton, and two of their canine visitors Macy and Jack, it's back to work with last minute preparations for the mid month delivery of my first collection. It's been a rocky road, (see earlier entries) filled with frustration and disappointment, but all of that adds up to the satisfaction that comes with hard work, stamina, a touch of stubbornness, a bit of humility and an enormous amount of moxie. I knew I could work hard (always did), and all the rest, but the moxie surprised me. Self esteem was always a struggle, and just like the other qualities needed to achieve one's goals, seems that it was buried somewhere in my insecure psyche just itching to get out....I am woman, hear me roar...........::sorry::
The Lucky neck warmer is in production, Tigger neck warmer has been approved, and the kinks were ironed out and perfected on the Maxine (cotton) sweater and everything looks good.

I just this moment received the pictures of the Pepper neck warmer and was a bit nervous about that one because of the complex button closure but, leave it to Patricia to absolutely "get it". With a few tweeks, that one will be approved too! All I can say is "whew". I'm only running the three for now, to see how people respond to them. The Misty Heart and Candy styles, though my personal favorites, are a bit more complex and might end up being more expensive so, I'll hold off for the time being.

Now the focus is on getting the Lollypups name out there. The label is perfected and will be ordered this week as will the hang tag. Brochures and press releases are being sent to newspapers and magazines, and my friend Christy, a journalist, will be doing a lifestyles write up some time soon. She also keeps me abreast of any pet events she hears about where we can attend and I can push the product. I've already donated a sweater to Dogs In Danger, for their online auction to help ...........well..........dogs in danger, a not for profit organization that I've become involved with. Their goal, to rescue soon to be put down dogs in animal "shelters" across the country. (I use the term loosely since what kind of sheltering are they really doing). Anyway, Dogs In Danger and all similar rescue organizations need money in order to keep going. As soon as I have the link, I'll post it for anyone who may feel the urge to save one of these little guys.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pet wear you'd wear comes to life.........

The first scarf came in, based on the Lucky Rainbow style and I think this concept is going to work out well. The only thing I'm giving thought to as far as the silhouette, is to modernize it a bit more. Grandma Sophie Lapson made these little neck warmers for all her children, grand children and great grand children and I kind of followed her idea for the shape only longer. Patricia's ladies did a beautiful job, based on my sketch and schematic but I'm used to making the first proto myself so that I can experiment with the style. I don't have the luxury of time to play around with designing right now (the FUN part of having a business) because there's so much to do before the product comes in. I'm pretty clear on the right way to do it after giving it some more thought, I just hope I can clarify how it will work to Patricia. It's not a huge order for her, but I am concerned about timing also.
Meanwhile, the brochures came in and look great! so I'll be busy getting them out in the market and to various publications. I applied to Pet Fashion Week NY and hopefully will be able to get the needed publicity and sales to get this venture up and running. I'm not ready for HH Backer 's Holiday show but who knows, maybe next year!
It's a hot day and Lacy is taking yet another nap. Daughter #1 is in Columbus, Ohio about to embark on her first trade show for her own business, Sonic Legends, at a gaming convention. Daughter #2 is due back Friday morning from a dream trip to Israel though there has been an indication in her facebook posts that she may "never come back" (she will). So, all is as it should be on this Wednesday, June 23,2010. The boss is saying "back to work, Lieberman" and since that's me talking to myself, I guess I better get to it before I'm taken away in a straight jacket.
More later...........

Monday, June 14, 2010

Saving the planet or at least it's canine inhabitants..........

Lacy and I attended the "Dogs in Danger" event in Yorktown Heights this weekend. It was for a good cause, pet adoption and saving dogs from being euthanized, a cause near and dear to my heart. Unfortunately, it was not well attended, possibly because it was the first of an annual event and the weather was soggy, but the spirit wasn't dampened by those who attended, and the dogs were wonderful.......... It got me thinking however, about how some people view dogs and the bad press they sometimes get.

To me, most dogs really aren't so called, helpless victims of human cruelty. They're pack animals that know how to survive as such and so, if they feel threatened, they will fight back........as is their nature. It's man however, who has the upper hand. If they do fight back and attack a human who is hurting them, they are classified as "vicious" and are beaten into submission or worse, put down.
My question is, who are we to determine how another species is "supposed to" survive. The rule of nature is, after all, "survival of the fittest". If a dog attacks a child who playfully pulls on his ears, that's a tragedy, without a doubt. But think about the mind of the dog. The child doesn't know that it's a creature who's survival is based on an instinctual behavioral mechanism. The consequences of pulling on the dog's ears one too many times is not in the child's own instinctual behavioural mechanism and so, the dog may react in the only way it knows how......self preservation. The child doesn't know about self preservation because it has it's mom and dad to worry about that for him. Also, the dog doesn't know that the child is only playing, but may read it's behavior as aggression. Neither one's thinking is right or wrong, but the dog "must be distroyed" because we humans say so.
An old cocker spaniel in my neighborhood some, 34 years ago, was startled by my little 4 year old daughter, who visited him now and then because she loved dogs. He was old and deaf and when my child came up behind him, he jumped up and bit off the tip of her nose. Ofcourse, I was upset for my daughter and as a mother, thought in terms of how this would disfigure the face of a young girl but never did I blame the old dog nor demand that as an uncontrollable and vicious beast, it should be killed. That is, however what happened. Sadly, it was put down by its owners, a hard decision for them I'm sure, but when my little 4 year old found out, it was more devastating for her than the plastic surgery she needed to repair her nose.
I know that most people are good and kind hearted when it comes to animals, and if they saw an injured animal on the side of the road, they would stop and help it. Am I naive? Probably, but then, Lacy and I talk about this all the time......or, actually........I talk, Lacy listens..........(I think).

My daughter grew into a beautiful young woman, but to this day, I still feel a twinge of regret about that old cocker spaniel and the people who loved him.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Samples arrived and all is as it should be.

Everything came in on time as planned. Each style in each available size, corrections made with no problems and the only thing that needed watching was the Misty and Candy styles where the turtle neck collars seemed a little wide. Patricia is back from her trip and will be on top of things.
I sent her a schematic of the woman's scarf style for the Lucky which will actually be a neck wrap instead of a full out long scarf. It is more in keeping with the pet sweater style and will use less yarn, and so, save on costs. Waiting to hear the outcome this week. Other scarf styles will follow the same schematic shape but Misty will be a little different, running the length of the scarf instead of the width. Those should be ready for her in the next couple of days, the plan
being that they can be shipped along with the sweaters, due to arrive in mid July in time for the holiday selling season.
Saturday was Emily's graduation party and ofcourse, the place was overrun with dogs...hectic yes but an excellent photo op. Elegant and regal Scooter sat in the middle of the garden, (his choice) and posed until the shot was taken, then turned and struck another pose. Such a natural. Pepper looks great on his pale coloring.

Then came Harry, the newest member of the clan. I was able to get off some great shots of him wearing Tigger and in spite of his puppy energy, he was the perfect model especially when he finally got tired out (which was way AFTER me naturally).
The newest style "Maxine" was developed in pima cotton for the Spring and Fall seasons where alpaca would be too warm. The styling worked out great and so I'll offer an xs-small; and a medium-large because of the stretch in the rib being enough to compensate two sizes in one garment. I also need to work on a more masculine model without the cute little pointed lace collar and sleeve treatment. My mind is racing as I figure out all these scarf and sweater details. Now that the samples are here,there's publicity to get started with. Upcoming events will certainly be helpful but I need to start sending out press kits and rebuild a better website. Here I go again..................

Monday, May 17, 2010

Another honor for Lollypups!

Erika never mentioned it, but she entered my name in a Creative Mother's contest sponsored by Michaels craft's stores that went on this past Mother's Day. Seems I won honorable mention for my sweater designs. She wrote an essay about why she thought I was the most creative mom and included pictures of Lacy in the Misty Heart and the Candy sweaters. Lacy looks so cute in them, with her straight back and bobbed little ears, I'd say having her as a muse and model makes all kinds of good things happen. I have to say though, I NEVER use the word retirement. I'll save that one for when I'm dead.
I am happily "moving on" to the next phase of my charmed and blissful life.

Here's the link to the winners:

I love that I make my children proud. They're my greatest joy. (Sorry Lacy, I love you but they come first sometimes) and in turn, my pride in them overflows on a daily basis.
.....and the road keeps weaving in and out........

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Pet Fashion Week Sao Paolo, Brazil

Love those Brazilians......they have such a classy way of doing things (in spite of the wild costumes and dancing at Carnival). Patricia went to Pet Fashion Week in Sao Paolo and took a couple of pictures of my Sorbet Valentine sweater still being displayed while she was there. It's set in a glass enclosed case like some kind of museum jewel and very impressive to look at, I must say. I told her it would be there and to take a look at it since the Brazil show coincided with my trip to Peru. It was all so serendipitious though!! I wish I could get it produced but it would be so expensive.........still.........
So the deed is done and sweater production is now underway. I'll get one of each style in each size for publicity purposes and pre sales by the end of this month. The rest will be shipped by mid July. Much to do in preparation.........