Monday, June 8, 2009

My Italian connection.........

The FIT fashion show made the Italian press. The magazine is called Quattro Zampe and it's the June issue. Since I'm a lousy Italian, and never learned the language, I have no idea what it says so am hoping my pal Paolo will translate. The only Lollypups design featured was the Sorbet Valentine which is the only garment I'm NOT able to manufacture. Crap! But hey, publicity is publicity is publicity. Too bad there's no mention of my name or of Lollypups. No need to speak the language to decipher that .......and so it goes.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Been a while

Lacy, ever the loyal companion, sleeps soundly in a yarn box in my studio, while I work, making the perfect "before sweater" picture, I think.

Very little progress has been made during May which is to say it's been a tumultuous month. The Chinese economy is suffering economic woes the same as in the US. Vera, acting as an agent for the factory, did follow through with the 2nd samples of the Lucky Rainbow (this time in both colorways) and the Misty Heart as promised. I received them at the end of the month. She also got a new job with a Hong Kong based petwear company so maybe this will be a good thing. There are still color and material issues that need resolving and ofcourse, will require me to make a trip to China which I had planned on doing in July (after Erika's wedding). That's still the plan (at least for the time being---so many monkey wrenches keep being thrown into the works!) One never knows.
The business plan is coming along as well, though it changes constantly due to the economic situation. Sometimes I think starting a business in this environment is like running in quick sand while other businesses are crumbling like a house of cards around me. Other times I'm sure that laying the groundwork now, when the economy is in flux will prove to be a smart thing once the smoke clears and people are spending again. In any case, I will take advantage of those small business Obama bucks while the opportunity is there.

On a very sad note, Pearl, my much loved and admired mother-in-law passed away on May 19th, and so time was spent in Florida with the family, trying to comfort her husband Gene as well as one another. She was a fantastic Lady, a real mother to me as well as a friend and confidant. My girls and I drove down to Florida with Lacy in tow, my sewing machine (Still working on the wedding dress) and piles of wool to maybe get some designing done. It wasn't going to happen though, since she took a turn for the worst by the time we got there. I miss her a lot. So, since life has to go on (no matter how much I miss her) wedding plans are moving forward, and the bridal shower (afternoon tea in the garden at home) was bittersweet, but a success. The weather was beautiful and Erika was happy. Check that off the to do list.

I'm sorry that the business has taken a back seat at this time but I do manage to communicate with the vendors and keep them posted of my progress, however slow. They've been very patient and we're moving along. I'll be happy to be back on track and in full swing by July 1st.