Monday, April 5, 2010

Plans made, onward we tread...........

Flight is set for Peru on April 25th. Jeff is tagging along and that's fine by me since he's always been my "sous chef" is no different and moral and physical support always welcome from my partner and 2nd best friend (Lacy has to stay home). I'm looking into renting an apartment for a week which seems to be less expensive than a hotel. The one I found is located in the Milaflores neighborhood of Lima which is central to the city and full of touresty things to do. Views of the ocean is always a plus wherever we go. When not working, it's a suitable place to find tchotkas and other things of interest in the local markets and with internet wi-fi access, he can write while I galavant. Our friend Richard is married to a woman from Peru and goes there all the time so we'll be talking to him about our plans as the time draws closer.

Hoped to make a side trip to the Galapagos but (haha) once we Google Earthed it, we realized it's way off the coast of Ecuador!! Too bad.

Worked on organizing the business plan today. With construction workers hammering right outside my studio window ( vibrations knocking paint brushes and other articles off the shelves and walls) I decided to go to the library to concentrate which was hot but peaceful, once I drowned out the chatter from other patrons with Vivaldi playing on Pandora from my blackberry. Mission accomplished. Now to type it all up.

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