Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Winter has wisked by and here we are in Spring.......NOT

So November being my last post does NOT mean I've been sitting around eating gelato, taking in a theater performance now and then, visiting museums, having regular spa days or, in short....living the luxurious life of a semi-retiree.  Though they are things I'd love to do, I have instead, been filling my days with an overabundance of:

1. Major dieting and gym workouts, resulting in 23 pounds less of me! My knees are rejoicing as is my husband.
2. Holiday lunacy that occurs annually through January with our extended mixed bag of Jewish, Atheist, Christian, Wiccan, Pagan family members....or as we encapsulate the season, Merry Melvin to one and all. 
3. Snow shoveling a path for Ginger's "constitutionals" since walking her has been out of the question and she doesn't want to anyway. The frozen ice around the windows began its annual dripping invasion onto our living room floor.  (No need for my complaining here, EVERYONE had these winter thorns to contend with)
Some good came out of it though. 1) I had enough pots to catch the drips and,  2) I was forced to stay inside and design and make more items for my etsy shop and the upcoming craft show venues. AND Lollypups sweater sales were brisk!! 
4. Trips to NYC for fabric shows, trim shopping, seminars and meeting with potential vendors...all very fruitful I'm happy to add in spite of the tumultuous weather on those days.
5. A little flurry of freelance textile work, always welcome no matter how busy I am. (so nice to get paid for my efforts now and then)
5a.....  Of course, an added monkey wrench tossed into February's activities was my clumsy left foot causing my hard working computer tower to topple over. The screen that displayed my Photoshop textile repeat turned to a pixilated jumble similar to a 1960's psychedelic light show at the Fillmore West. I frantically tried to back up folder after folder, all the while listening to it moan, and groan and crackle until its final death knell......black screen and silence!   So what's the best thing to do in a situation like this..........?
6. Abandon ship and head to FLORIDA for a much needed 16 day respite from the harsh winter climes, with Ginger in tow and surrounded by orchids, koi, palm trees and a jacuzzi!!!

7. March brought more snow but with it came a fabulous birthday weekend with family visits, big noisy Italian dinner, and ample commotion from above mentioned mixed bag  AND my delicious grand babies allowing me my fill of juicy jubbly kisses....well, not my fill but lots!!

8.  Mad weekend over and bed rest called for........SO ready for that gelato.

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