Friday, November 21, 2014

November already??

Much time has passed and things have certainly been lively here in Lollypups Land since my last post.  First and foremost, new grand baby Evelyn Pearl came into the world on September 26 two weeks early and Ginger and I were there to witness her birth.  Well, not exactly witness, since I used the excuse of a potty break to whisk her out of the house just as my daughter's contractions got truly intense and I began demanding drugs for her.   My job, though I admittedly was against the whole home birth thing from the get go, was to ......yep, boil water!!! Just like in the cowboy movies!!  Seems there’s a portable 4 foot deep inflatable birthing tub used in a home birth, and by the time we all realized that my daughter’s labor was not Braxton-Hicks but real true labor, the hot water heater gave out only halfway through filling it.  So there I was, rushing into the sun porch with giant pots of steaming water, sweat pouring down my armpits, my skin the pasty white pallor of a mother watching her little girl in pain and all I could do was pour water into a tub.  How do you explain this to a martian? Job done, Ginger and I abandoned ship (yes, I just couldn't bear watching what was going on) and while walking outside for a mere 2 minutes.... out slid this little bitty pinkness into that very tub.  Got a cell phone call from daughter #1 to come back in and meet my grand daughter so back I ran with wings on my feet, dragging poor Ginger, mid-pee, behind me.  Ah motherhood!

The Berkshire Botanical Gardens Oktoberfest turned out to be a success even though dogs weren’t allowed on the premises (except of course, Ginger)  It was a glorious weekend, after a bit of rain on Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday were perfect. Wanting to experience a New England Autumn at peak foliage, our friends Frank and Julie decided to join JL and I, and ended being a tremendous help!  As was Ginger!!! Sales were brisk and I happily found two beautiful bolts of wool plaid for a mere $4.00 each!! Love those tag sales.
Next up, a Holiday Market on the first weekend of December in Stanhope, New Jersey so I've been working on new harnesses and trying to make as much product with a holiday theme as possible.  I also want to do a couple of  black velvet confections for those who fancy some kind of party ensemble for their pup .  Two weeks should turn up something.
I finally got to use the green fringed wool I purchased 2 years ago in Nyack and wanted to add a new Winter Mittens style but ran out of the felt mittens from Tinsel Trading.  Instead, I decided to applique mittens and add little gingerbread men buttons, to kind of update the look.
I'm also able to make it a tad cheaper, so we'll see how that plays out. Our first ever "Pupperwear Party" will take place on Sunday Dec. 14th at my friend Frank's Chelsea high rise apartment,  over populated by multiple varieties of small dogs.  If this works out, I'll look into doing more in other buildings in and around Manhattan.  More on that later.