Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring Thaw happenings.............

Lacy and I have been holed away in the studio this past chilly March.  She,  warming herself in a fragment of sunlight that melts across her bed from the far windows, and I, wrapped in sweater, leggings, socks and Uggs with the electric space heater and its oscillating hum a few feet behind me.  The heat in the house is working fine, but the chill that's permeated my bones this winter, remains steadfast no matter what I do in my little space and so, the room stays at a womblike 72 degrees to compensate.  We took a trip to the vet for her Senior medical checkup and outside of a slight ear infection and 1/2 lb. drop in weight, the old gal is as feisty as ever, albeit a tad decelerated.  As am I.
After prepping for February’s Pet Fashion Week Gala which has come and gone, I've been affixed to the computer preparing new prints for my favorite knitwear company, and one to whom I owe a huge debt of gratitude for their continual confidence in my design  capabilities to keep me constantly engaged in projects. February was targeted toward an equestrian theme and my own confidence being what it is (or isn’t) I found this one a struggle.  Ideas were plentiful but just not working and my frustration was mounting. When I’d had enough, I'd flip channels and work on Lollypups, something that I always find gratifying and productive. With hours of Skype conferencing, and back and forth exchanges of ideas,  I was finally able to nail it . Very cute and very salable in colors for every season. 
There were sales of sweaters on etsy, as well as a custom request which was simple enough to have done in no time and send off to a very enthusiastic customer for the arrival of her new  teacup yorkie pup. 

Not something I will do again I think.  She asked that I follow Lollypups’ xxs sizing, which was done, only to tell me when she received it, that the sweater was too big for the tiny pup and that she was afraid he wouldn’t grow into it either.  But the style made can easily be altered by simply moving the buttons over.  I hope she does it.  I’d hate for her to have had to pay for something she’ll end up not using.  It's definitely not something I would ordinarily do,  (solid and simple is not my thing) but it was copied from a picture sent by the customer and the navy alpaca yarn she chose was beautiful. 
April weather is still chilly, though not as bad and I feel that my fingers are finally thawing out which is a good thing.  Fiddle has been on the back burner due to all the creative activity, and practice sessions were sparse since December. So I'm back to my daily practice routine in order to wake up sluggish fingers in time for Fiddle Camp, which is next week. I'm really looking forward to some "me" time now.