A situation that's both bad and good. Gives me much needed time to send out mailings, design new styles and shop for next season. Fun. Found a new resource for vintage fabrics, buttons and trims ::yowza!!::: where I will be able to acquire some more fringed wool. And not far from home!! I was also able to reorder the cool little mittens again this year, so the "Holiday Mittens" harness vest is being reissued. Big seller that one. Because of the fact that the plaid I used for the first one was a remnant, I thought I'd be limited in the number of pieces I could produce. I may not get the exact camel plaid but the substitutes make for a whole new look. Yaaa!
So far, several stores have responded to the mailings inquiring about wholesale pricing, lead time etc. so I'm happy the Lollypups name is getting out there and more people are visiting the site. I'm also happy that I can jump back into the biz with NO further family commitments or travel, except of course, the holidays (and occasional babysitting) until June when we'll be headed to Switzerland!! Stay tuned.
On a sad note, I was finally able to go back to the shelter to see my seniors last week and was told that Reily had passed the week before. Poor little bony boy, although I knew how sick he was, I'm sorry I didn't get to see him again and that broke my heart. Now Sheeba is the only one left of my three friends and I know it sounds silly, but she does seem a bit slower and sadder...I know she misses her companions-- first Buzzy and now Reily, and I hope the shelter will at least put another senior in her pen with her to keep her company. I'll check on her soon and maybe suggest it.
I kind of felt the need to look into the eyes of some youngsters that day, and maybe feel less hopeless with their situation then I do with my seniors. So I met Hector, who was brought into the shelter in October. Wow, talk about love at first sight.....(new?) He's a Glen of Imaal terrier mix and 6 years old, but doesn't look like the picture anymore since his fur has grown over his face making him look like a mini-sheep dog. He has the disposition of a goofy, fun loving, nerdy kind of bear and I know he'll get adopted but just needs a grooming. Another one I met was Dale, a great dane mix and not overly huge. Talk about beautiful! Crystal clear blue eyes, white and black face and still just a pup. Under a year if I remember correctly. I think I'll start posting pictures of the dogs on my website. If people aren't going to buy the clothing, at least they may pass the word about these wonderful animals that so desperately need a home. http://www.petsalivewest.org/
A quick trip to the city tomorrow, apple pies to bake then off to Albany for Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Newly weds and their family. I have so very much to be thankful for this year and am always aware of that fact. If the business picks up, so much more so. Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
I visited several shops in Milan and Cagliari (in Sardinia), two of which were for pet products. No apparel at all in the Milan shop and only a few inexpensive sweaters were displayed in the other. But again, human boutiques had their share of the canine variety of shopper. A very regal gray and white grayhound wearing a thick leather collar on its long elegant neck, walked out of one shop. There were dog displays in another shop and dog art was plentiful in the piazzas throughout each city.
Here's another one I wanted to take home with me! I know when I volunteer at the shelter back home, I feel the same way, but in a foreign country, where I'm helpless to do anything for these little guys, it really took out a chunk of my heart each time. Just look at that face. I've got to stop feeling this way. NOT!! Happily, I saw that the restaurant owner gave him a giant bone and he trotted off to a nearby patch of grass to eat. He's probably a regular and gets fed all the time. So all's well in the little man's life today. Good dog!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Baby inspiration trickles over to petwear!....
Now, with the wedding a week away, I'm amazed that the only thing I'm stressing out about is Lacy. Being that dogs are not allowed at the hotel, I will have to leave her at Emily's house and although Cody will be there with the baby while Erika performs her Maid of Honor duties, he's not a dog person and I'm sure, doesn't know how to read her moods. I have no doubt that she'll be comfortable there since the surroundings are familiar and especially because Scooter and Daisy, Emily's crazy-cute and overly energetic terriers will be staying at their "other grandma's" house so I take comfort in knowing that she won't be disturbed while she sleeps all day. Still....she's so old, I worry about her and don't want to appear too neurotic. Ha, as if.....
Three mailings went out this month and requests for wholesale info are trickling in. I'm not sitting around with my fingers crossed though and am researching SEO strategies, how to take advantage of social networking etc,etc. I listen to these webinars and although I'm able to take notes and pick up a few helpful facts, I find the speakers talk too fast and assume anyone listening knows what all the abbreviations and seminar-speak stands for. Not me. Just figured out how to do the tiny url thing and marvel at these tidbits of technology that find their way into my limited computer consciousness. I am woman, hear me roar!
I found another great print for the rain slicker style and after I perfect the pattern, want to offer it in the spring rain wear collection for March delivery. I ordered a swatch to show customers in order to get some feedback but I still need a boys print. I discovered a site called Spoonflower last month and got swatches of their fabrics to custom print on, so I'm working on my own prints to maybe have printed up. Problem is that the fabric is expensive even for dog wear and I'd have to have it laminated which will add to the expense so anything I do must be in limited editions. But I LOVE the concept of doing it ALL! It must be the control freak in me.
I'll be semi-off the radar for the next week and a half as wedding duties call and finally, THE EVENT.
I'm looking forward to NOT having to do anything but enjoy watching my baby girl marry the man of her dreams in her beautiful confection of a wedding dress, wearing grandma Pearl's string of pearls, under a chuppah with grandpa Irv's tallis draped over it. They'll drink the wine from grandpa Sammy's Kiddish cup and Jeff's and recite their vows in Hebrew and English. The symbolism sometimes overwhelms us all but somehow, it's all come together .......the joy of motherhood, and new nana-hood, watching the patterns of our lives as they weave and change. First born, first teeth, first steps, first words and now, it begins again with my grandson and with Emily's marriage to Chris........and all is as it should be, at least for now. Peace.
Monday, September 19, 2011
September ....filled with activity for me.......while Lacy sleeps
Over a month has passed since my last post and this time I can actually say I KNOW where the month went. Preparations for Emily's wedding, fittings, bridal shower (cancelled and rescheduled due to hurricane), creating Katuba art, soothing ruffled bridal feathers and serious dieting (5 pounds so far and counting). In between, babysitting for an amazingly mellow 10 week old baby grandson has a soothing effect on this MOB and the birth of yet another boy into the family (nephew Daniel's first) fills our lives with happiness.... times twenty! All the joy of 2011 overshadows the sadness of 2009 for the Lieberman clan and each day is cherished and never taken for granted.
Business has been slow and I've slashed prices on the website to see what will work and what people will want to spend, but with the chilly weather upon us and holiday season approaching, my mass mailings are being stepped up. Postcards came in and my mailing list prep is ongoing so all is ready. So far Artsydog.com hasn't done much but the promised ad campaign is almost upon us (magazine ads in October issues of pet magazines) so we'll see how that works out. Another Toronto based pet website
contacted me to carry the line but I'll hold off on any more Internet stores for the time being.
The biggest issue is still cash flow so I'm not doing any ads for a while but twitter often and have offered a free sweater give away for the month of October to those who write in. It's nice to see how much people love their pets. All the harness vest and leash designs for 2012 re complete though I'll continue to update and add to the collection as ideas pop into my head. The new strategy for selling wholesale is to show existing samples and present CAD images and swatches of the new styles so I'm working on that as well, then maybe cut to sales. The raincoat is still an issue but I think I have found the best, simplest and least expensive way to do it. Unless there's an angel out there that wants to invest in this struggling company (in this struggling economy) I'm still content doing it all but would gladly relinquish a couple of hats from time to time.
Meanwhile, Jeff and I have planned our 40th wedding anniversary present to each other.....a trip to Italy......Milan, Sardinia and Florence to be exact! After all the above activities are complete, it will be awesome to just think about us for a change, kick back after the wedding and have fun, which we always manage to do when we travel. We'll be staying with a friend for part of the time (villa in Sardinia...whoo-ha) were we will forget our diets and stuff ourselves with seafood and pasta, walk on the beach which I'm told is beautiful (but have yet to google earth it) and while Jeff and Manlio drink grappa, smoke pot and talk film, I will paint the landscapes, visit flea markets and smile a lot.:::does anticipatory dance::::
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Life goes on.....and on.......and on........
Went to take the "seniors" at the shelter out last week and saw that only Reily and Sheeba were in the "senior" area. I found out that Buzzy (my lionhearted pal) got sick the week prior and had to be put down while I was busy being an excited grandmother. Funny how it effected me. The whole "stages of death" thing happened; sadness, anger, guilt...
I should have been there to say goodbye, why was I enjoying the good things in my own life and neglecting my "senior" charges?
Interesting how I was most worried, after being away 3 weeks, that it would be Reily who I might not see, so losing Buzzy was a surprise. I guess I'll never be ready for this but what I can do, I will continue to do, even if it's just a day of love and hugs and attention. These guys are so incredibly worth it!
RIP Buzzy
August is half over and this month the Lollypups focus has been on presenting the product to boutiques in the NYC area. Lots of e/mails went out last week and I'm designing a postcard to send for a mass mailing hopefully before Superzoo, which is almost complete. Then it's hoofing it with sample case in hand (and maybe Lacy in tow?)..... Hmmmm....... I don't know about that since the poor old girl seems to prefer sleep to work these days. Maybe it's time she retired and I schlepped around my Melissa & Doug stuffed Jack Russel terrier as my new fit model.
These are the "dog" days of summer indeed........
I should have been there to say goodbye, why was I enjoying the good things in my own life and neglecting my "senior" charges?
Interesting how I was most worried, after being away 3 weeks, that it would be Reily who I might not see, so losing Buzzy was a surprise. I guess I'll never be ready for this but what I can do, I will continue to do, even if it's just a day of love and hugs and attention. These guys are so incredibly worth it!
RIP Buzzy
August is half over and this month the Lollypups focus has been on presenting the product to boutiques in the NYC area. Lots of e/mails went out last week and I'm designing a postcard to send for a mass mailing hopefully before Superzoo, which is almost complete. Then it's hoofing it with sample case in hand (and maybe Lacy in tow?)..... Hmmmm....... I don't know about that since the poor old girl seems to prefer sleep to work these days. Maybe it's time she retired and I schlepped around my Melissa & Doug stuffed Jack Russel terrier as my new fit model.
These are the "dog" days of summer indeed........
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Holy Hannah!! just call me nana............
No blogging for me this past month...no anything in fact! My doula duties kept me very busy (and on edge) but all turned out fine. Logan Daniel Greenberg was right on schedule. Born on the Fourth of July and a cuter Yankee doodle baby you've never seen. Four generations!! Really makes one humble. I won't go into the typical "grandma" dialogue, suffice it to say, I'm in love and need my baby fix daily. Happily, being only 5 minutes away, Erika indulges me.
The WABC sponsored "Bark in the Park" which took place on the 25th of June was kind of a bust, even though there were maybe a thousand people (not 3 to 4000 as I was told). Lollypups harnesses and leashes once again, received tons of praise but only two sales. The pups who purchased the "Really Rosey" harnesses, looked so cute! I really hope I'll get pictures as promised .
I'm slowly getting back to the drawing board and refining the leashes and harness designs. Bought two new fabrics for development, but am still having difficulty with the boy styles and must concentrate on them now as per customer requests. I attended Texworld and Spin Expo last week and re-established connections with past vendors I will be using, especially for embellishments. I also found a terrific resource who can make braided cording into beautiful leashes and collars. So the wheels are turning once again I'm happy to say.
Artsy Dog, a high end dog product website, launched last month as well and I now have product to be sold via their website www.lollypupspetwear.artsydog.com . They're based in Canada (they NEED sweaters there) and will be doing promotions and taking ads in pet magazines, something I can't afford just now. The products are beautiful, classy collars, beds, artwork, charms, etc. and I was asked to join them back in May. My site isn't doing enough traffic, so I thought for the 15% commission, it's worth it not to have to lay out funds for advertising right now.
Things look grim for my SuperZoo plans, which really upsets me. I'm doing a blitzkrieg selling excursion during the next month in the hopes of attaining my $2700 goal. I'm not getting discouraged about the business, but continue to be frustrated in my inability to conquer the "business" side of this endeavor.
Meanwhile, July has been truly a "dog days of summer" experience with a massive heat wave last week. We took Lacy out to the North Fork of Long Island to visit her "cousin" Harry, an adorable Havanese, go to the beach and eat massive quantities of seafood. (us humans, not Lacy) Unfortunately, all Harry wanted to do was hump her. He's not quite 2 years old so it's to be expected. However, Lacy at 14 years old, didn't seem to protest much.....could it be she's digging the whole May/ December thing? I wonder.
Summer reading: Dean Koontz's book "a big little life", A Memoir of a Joyful Dog.....proves once again that dogs are incredible at communicating their needs, desires and love. I must write to this man and ask if the chapter where he talks about Trixie actually saying "baw" for the word ball when they passed by a tennis court to collect balls for her to play with is accurate or a bit embellished. Could it be? (I'm guessing, yes)
The WABC sponsored "Bark in the Park" which took place on the 25th of June was kind of a bust, even though there were maybe a thousand people (not 3 to 4000 as I was told). Lollypups harnesses and leashes once again, received tons of praise but only two sales. The pups who purchased the "Really Rosey" harnesses, looked so cute! I really hope I'll get pictures as promised .
I'm slowly getting back to the drawing board and refining the leashes and harness designs. Bought two new fabrics for development, but am still having difficulty with the boy styles and must concentrate on them now as per customer requests. I attended Texworld and Spin Expo last week and re-established connections with past vendors I will be using, especially for embellishments. I also found a terrific resource who can make braided cording into beautiful leashes and collars. So the wheels are turning once again I'm happy to say.
Artsy Dog, a high end dog product website, launched last month as well and I now have product to be sold via their website www.lollypupspetwear.artsydog.com . They're based in Canada (they NEED sweaters there) and will be doing promotions and taking ads in pet magazines, something I can't afford just now. The products are beautiful, classy collars, beds, artwork, charms, etc. and I was asked to join them back in May. My site isn't doing enough traffic, so I thought for the 15% commission, it's worth it not to have to lay out funds for advertising right now.
Things look grim for my SuperZoo plans, which really upsets me. I'm doing a blitzkrieg selling excursion during the next month in the hopes of attaining my $2700 goal. I'm not getting discouraged about the business, but continue to be frustrated in my inability to conquer the "business" side of this endeavor.
Meanwhile, July has been truly a "dog days of summer" experience with a massive heat wave last week. We took Lacy out to the North Fork of Long Island to visit her "cousin" Harry, an adorable Havanese, go to the beach and eat massive quantities of seafood. (us humans, not Lacy) Unfortunately, all Harry wanted to do was hump her. He's not quite 2 years old so it's to be expected. However, Lacy at 14 years old, didn't seem to protest much.....could it be she's digging the whole May/ December thing? I wonder.
Summer reading: Dean Koontz's book "a big little life", A Memoir of a Joyful Dog.....proves once again that dogs are incredible at communicating their needs, desires and love. I must write to this man and ask if the chapter where he talks about Trixie actually saying "baw" for the word ball when they passed by a tennis court to collect balls for her to play with is accurate or a bit embellished. Could it be? (I'm guessing, yes)
Monday, June 20, 2011
whirlwind June is nearing its end!! .....whew and whew........
What started out to be just business, turned into busy-ness on all levels. There were two trips to the city to drop off and/or pick up new leash development and trims plus varied and sundry items for embellishing the new harnesses on what turned out to be the hottest 2 days on record! The "really rosey" model is done, and looks fabulous with two choices of leads.....one black/white ribbon on solid black webbing suitable for every day, and the other in the matching rose print looking a bit more "stepping out on the town" classy. Checked with my fabric resource and I can't get any more of the print which is a bummer because I really think this will be a big seller.
"Plum Blossom" is also refined and ready to go. The two leash options were ok but Edwin made a suggestion to use an O ring to separate the black portion from the white, and didn't follow through. I'm thinking that I need to give him specs when developing samples, just like every one else so that this doesn't happen again. My gut feeling with the leashes is not to use the leather as the base and go with the webbing which is more supple.
It's back to the drawing board on the heart and dot style, the feeling being that something is just not right. I still love the larger blob dot in black and white, and think the key is to make that the dominant print and use less of the heart. Maybe as an insert or large pocket.
I am bagging the idea of using the tangerine lining in the "Kashmir Paisley" and will look for 3 other options. I've already located the box pleat grosgrain for the hem in great colors so I hope to match them to the lining which will also serve as the solid quilted bodice (maybe with tiny beads in the corners) The theme "exotic India". The second choice is to use a thin stripe lining but that will take some more research.
The rain harnesses are still pending since the actual pattern needs adjustments. It will be a bit more complex in that there will be seaming down the back to give it a more fitted shape, the purpose being so that it won't slip around like some other rain gear I've seen. It will also be lined in cotton or in flannel. The fabric is all in including the pattern that I was told was sold out so I'm happy about that. I'll pass the rain harnesses on to Igor once the patterns are complete.
Lacy developed another intestinal infection and I needed to take her to the vet. $511.00 later, she bounced back within 24 hours after sleeping most of it. I chose to leave her home for the "Tarrytown Third Friday Pet Parade" which was a bust anyway. Next up, the Bark in the Park event sponsored by WABC Radio and the North Shore Animal league to take place on Saturday Jun 25. Emily is coming down to help me since it is the very weekend that Jeff goes off to Canada to do a "Blue Sunshine" screening and lecture at the namesake theater in Toronto. After a bit of negotiation I was able to get a booth for the cost of a donation of 4 prizes. With radio spots (I haven't heard them yet) and between 2000 and 3000 attendees (so I'm told) I really hope my efforts (and Em's) prove fruitful with this one
and I can put the sales toward my SuperZoo fund. Father's day weekend kept me away from the drawing board and computer problems kept me struggling to fix them the week prior. Cody came over and magically located all the "hidden" folders that I thought had disappeared into cyperspace. Who knew files could inadvertantly hide themselves.
Much work to do, harnesses to complete, and grandson to welcome into the world..........getting ahead of myself but hoping he'll get a move on and come sooner rather than later....for Erika's sake as well as mine. I hate to see my little girl so uncomfortable. Which brings up the question........how the hell am I going to be able to do this doula thing?..........
"Plum Blossom" is also refined and ready to go. The two leash options were ok but Edwin made a suggestion to use an O ring to separate the black portion from the white, and didn't follow through. I'm thinking that I need to give him specs when developing samples, just like every one else so that this doesn't happen again. My gut feeling with the leashes is not to use the leather as the base and go with the webbing which is more supple.
It's back to the drawing board on the heart and dot style, the feeling being that something is just not right. I still love the larger blob dot in black and white, and think the key is to make that the dominant print and use less of the heart. Maybe as an insert or large pocket.
I am bagging the idea of using the tangerine lining in the "Kashmir Paisley" and will look for 3 other options. I've already located the box pleat grosgrain for the hem in great colors so I hope to match them to the lining which will also serve as the solid quilted bodice (maybe with tiny beads in the corners) The theme "exotic India". The second choice is to use a thin stripe lining but that will take some more research.
The rain harnesses are still pending since the actual pattern needs adjustments. It will be a bit more complex in that there will be seaming down the back to give it a more fitted shape, the purpose being so that it won't slip around like some other rain gear I've seen. It will also be lined in cotton or in flannel. The fabric is all in including the pattern that I was told was sold out so I'm happy about that. I'll pass the rain harnesses on to Igor once the patterns are complete.
Lacy developed another intestinal infection and I needed to take her to the vet. $511.00 later, she bounced back within 24 hours after sleeping most of it. I chose to leave her home for the "Tarrytown Third Friday Pet Parade" which was a bust anyway. Next up, the Bark in the Park event sponsored by WABC Radio and the North Shore Animal league to take place on Saturday Jun 25. Emily is coming down to help me since it is the very weekend that Jeff goes off to Canada to do a "Blue Sunshine" screening and lecture at the namesake theater in Toronto. After a bit of negotiation I was able to get a booth for the cost of a donation of 4 prizes. With radio spots (I haven't heard them yet) and between 2000 and 3000 attendees (so I'm told) I really hope my efforts (and Em's) prove fruitful with this one
and I can put the sales toward my SuperZoo fund. Father's day weekend kept me away from the drawing board and computer problems kept me struggling to fix them the week prior. Cody came over and magically located all the "hidden" folders that I thought had disappeared into cyperspace. Who knew files could inadvertantly hide themselves.
Much work to do, harnesses to complete, and grandson to welcome into the world..........getting ahead of myself but hoping he'll get a move on and come sooner rather than later....for Erika's sake as well as mine. I hate to see my little girl so uncomfortable. Which brings up the question........how the hell am I going to be able to do this doula thing?..........
Monday, May 30, 2011
Time to vent......
So Jeff and I bring a bottle of wine and a luscious pasta and turkey sausage saute to the Scenic Hudson River Park, in Irvington to enjoy our favorite al fresco dining experience. It's probably the most beautiful spot on the planet (in my humble opinion) and when bringing our own picnic, is also the cheapest meal with the most exquisite view around. We set up our chairs right at the edge of the Hudson River, pour our chardonnay and watch the fiery globe of sun set behind the Palisades at the end of this Memorial Day Sunday. It's beautiful as always and a lovely kick off to Summer 2011 after a miserable winter and nonexistent Spring.
I facebook the sunset reflecting on the water and savor the smells of the spring air mixed with the scent of the river. Perfect evening you say? Sure, it would be if we didn't have to dodge and weave around the green gobs of goose droppings that cover the grass and walking path to get to our chosen spot, which is another "welcoming" indication that summer has arrived. Sure, if I didn't have to leave Lacy at home because of the incredibly inconsiderate and unfair list of rules and regulations attached to this public and partially state funded park. Mainly, NO DOGS ALLOWED.

Now, logically if one should deduce what is the more unacceptable and offensive occurrences; gaggles of geese taking over the beautiful surroundings as if they were paying the same exorbitant taxes as I and literally crapping all over said surroundings (see least offensive picture above.)
As a result of this late shipment, my second planned rain harness fabric was sold out so it's back to the drawing board for that one. Hang tags arrived and all I need is one of those tagging guns to attach them to the garments, eliminating the need to hand string and pin each one. All necessary meetings, style decisions, finalizations and trim purchases must take place within the next few weeks so that I can be on call for the birth of my first grand child. Excitement mounts on all fronts......and the dance continues.
I facebook the sunset reflecting on the water and savor the smells of the spring air mixed with the scent of the river. Perfect evening you say? Sure, it would be if we didn't have to dodge and weave around the green gobs of goose droppings that cover the grass and walking path to get to our chosen spot, which is another "welcoming" indication that summer has arrived. Sure, if I didn't have to leave Lacy at home because of the incredibly inconsiderate and unfair list of rules and regulations attached to this public and partially state funded park. Mainly, NO DOGS ALLOWED.
Or, me an upstanding resident and small business owner in this idyllic town for 12 years, taking my little Bichon Frese to sit at the park with me, and responsibly picking up whatever little mini-tootsie roll sized doodies she may expel as she perhaps, playfully chases away said geese. Allowing dogs in the park seems like a solution that could surely solve the pesky goose problem, instead of the ridiculous fake fox silhouettes made out of plastic with fur tails, strategically placed to stand guard around the parks perimeter. Or having park personnel blast a horn from time to time.
All that did was allow kids to yank off the fox tails within a week and, although the horn blast startled the geese momentarily, they promptly returned minutes later. These solutions, a total waste of money, clearly didn't work, so now the town just allows the geese to take over again. Simple solution: let people walk their dogs in the park. There are waste containers already in place and believe me, as a rule, true dog lovers will carry their own water and poop bags for their pets. Investment = zero. Park sans geese--
When confronted with the absurdities of uptight, heads up the arse suburban protocol that defies logic, I have to scratch my head and ask the age old question..........how do you explain this to a Martian??? Rant over, thank you.
Much needed three day Memorial day weekend has allowed me to think about other things besides the business....well somewhat, thus clearing my brain for the forging ahead planned for the week to follow. The fabric is finally due to arrive today after waiting 2 weeks for what was supposed to be shipped within 48 hours of ordering. All that did was allow kids to yank off the fox tails within a week and, although the horn blast startled the geese momentarily, they promptly returned minutes later. These solutions, a total waste of money, clearly didn't work, so now the town just allows the geese to take over again. Simple solution: let people walk their dogs in the park. There are waste containers already in place and believe me, as a rule, true dog lovers will carry their own water and poop bags for their pets. Investment = zero. Park sans geese--
When confronted with the absurdities of uptight, heads up the arse suburban protocol that defies logic, I have to scratch my head and ask the age old question..........how do you explain this to a Martian??? Rant over, thank you.
As a result of this late shipment, my second planned rain harness fabric was sold out so it's back to the drawing board for that one. Hang tags arrived and all I need is one of those tagging guns to attach them to the garments, eliminating the need to hand string and pin each one. All necessary meetings, style decisions, finalizations and trim purchases must take place within the next few weeks so that I can be on call for the birth of my first grand child. Excitement mounts on all fronts......and the dance continues.
Thursdays with Reily...(and Sheeba and Buzzy)

Saturday, May 21, 2011
NYC Pet Show May 21, 2011
So the question of the day at the NYC Pet Show was, "how is your dog a super hero". Easy one for me to answer....
Lacy and I are "senior" companions. For fifteen years she has enjoyed being head of our household, spoiled child of empty nesters, and all around diva wearing custom made sweaters and dining on freshly cooked chicken and rice. And I, at sixty, enjoyed a 27 year run in the woman's apparel industry, currently forced into retirement , affording me ample time to cook that chicken and rice for her.
While we were lying in bed one night, I questioned my future. Do I REALLY want to try to find another job in an industry I no longer LOVE ? I knew the answer before Lacy's head plopped down on my lap and she looked up at me with wizened eyes.
She's made me look at "senior" in a whole new light and not through my own disappointments and frustrations. She made me laugh at some of the silly things I tried to create and she tried to shimmy off, and she made "work" fun for me again. But mostly, she made me see that senior doesn't mean old and useless.
Lacy, this little white Bichon Frise with few teeth, bad hearing and wobbly knees, is the best super hero there can be in my book. Not the kind that helps catch Osama bin Laden or bank robbers, or purse snatchers. They are heroes in their own way. But Lacy is a canine senior who has made a difference to other seniors, namely me, and the new found additional loves of my life at the shelter, Reily, Sheeba and Buzzy.
You CAN teach an old dog new tricks....Love, respect and productiveness..... and Lacy and I are enjoying our "golden" years surrounded by it! Age happens to us all, only not everyone will have Lacy to ease them through it.
Lacy and I are "senior" companions. For fifteen years she has enjoyed being head of our household, spoiled child of empty nesters, and all around diva wearing custom made sweaters and dining on freshly cooked chicken and rice. And I, at sixty, enjoyed a 27 year run in the woman's apparel industry, currently forced into retirement , affording me ample time to cook that chicken and rice for her.
While we were lying in bed one night, I questioned my future. Do I REALLY want to try to find another job in an industry I no longer LOVE ? I knew the answer before Lacy's head plopped down on my lap and she looked up at me with wizened eyes.
So, together we em"barked" on a major career and lifestyle change. I started to create fashion for those I DO love, dogs...... by making my artsy free-form crochet sweaters normally reserved for Lacy alone, or my grand-dogs Scooter and Daisy Louise, into prototypes for the start up collection of Lollypups Designer Pet Wear, and to have them reproduced in China. For the first time in her life, I began to ask more of Lacy then just cuteness and kisses. She became my blank canvas, fit model, sweater tester, sales rep, mascot, muse and super model. And she obliged. She let me know how itchy the sweaters were from China, so I switched to fine baby alpaca and had them made in Peru. She let me pin and re-pin muslins on her fluffy anatomy in order to perfect the couture fabric harness patterns (and she went from size medium to size large because of all the treats I had to bribe her with). She proudly wore each sample garment on test runs to the park, and at pet industry and holiday vendor events, and never complained (but napped often). And together we basked in the compliments and the sales. But the best part is, we do it together. She wears the new designs proudly and seems to say, "dress me in couture and I'll still strut my stuff".
I volunteer at the local shelter and take the "senior" dogs walking a couple times a week. We all move a bit slowly but it's the sunshine and exercise that keeps us going, and the knowledge that somebody really cares. I for them and they for me.
You CAN teach an old dog new tricks....Love, respect and productiveness..... and Lacy and I are enjoying our "golden" years surrounded by it! Age happens to us all, only not everyone will have Lacy to ease them through it.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Happy mother's day-after
Couldn't have asked for a more beautiful and inspiring day spent with my first born, soon to be a mother herself. Sweet sentiments abounded on the bouquet of flowers delivered on Saturday and on Face book postings, solidifying the feeling that with all my self doubts, THIS is what it's all about. We took pictures by Halsey Pond and the still intact, beautiful gothic tea house with it's arched windows and massive stonework.
Then off to brunch at an outdoor cafe which served the absolutely best chocolate bread rolls--divine! Mother/daughter conversations led to giggles galore and I savored the joy of my child's anticipation of the role of motherhood she would soon be embarking on. I bought a musical puzzle for (us)... the baby, just because.........then more pregnant pictures at the Hudson River park, with pink fluffy cherry blossoms in bloom against the backdrop of the blue sky, and palisades.
With all warm and fuzzy feelings still coursing through my psyche, I returned home and back to the drawing board to finish some designs and I guess the good vibes eminated from my fingertips and onto the Illustrator drawings I was struggling through the day before, because :::viola:::: success! How pretty the rain harnesses are turning out to be......the prints are darling and the silhouette is finally perfected. Off to the sample maker this week, then more celebrating.......Erika's baby shower to prep for and cupcakes to bake! Busy....busy.....busy. (smile)
And Lacy stayed home and slept all day!
Then off to brunch at an outdoor cafe which served the absolutely best chocolate bread rolls--divine! Mother/daughter conversations led to giggles galore and I savored the joy of my child's anticipation of the role of motherhood she would soon be embarking on. I bought a musical puzzle for (us)... the baby, just because.........then more pregnant pictures at the Hudson River park, with pink fluffy cherry blossoms in bloom against the backdrop of the blue sky, and palisades.
With all warm and fuzzy feelings still coursing through my psyche, I returned home and back to the drawing board to finish some designs and I guess the good vibes eminated from my fingertips and onto the Illustrator drawings I was struggling through the day before, because :::viola:::: success! How pretty the rain harnesses are turning out to be......the prints are darling and the silhouette is finally perfected. Off to the sample maker this week, then more celebrating.......Erika's baby shower to prep for and cupcakes to bake! Busy....busy.....busy. (smile)
And Lacy stayed home and slept all day!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Pets Alive Fur Ball to take place in Westchester county June 11,2011
To all my friends, business contacts, fellow students and dog lovers,
My days are hectic and filled with tasks both personal, business and volunteer. Wedding plans continue for daughter #2, baby shower and first grandson on the way for daughter #1, preparations for the Las Vagas, SuperZoo Pet product trade fair in September with some great new products in development.....and then there are the sweet old dogs and young, energetic pups I love to visit at Pets Alive rescue shelter, in Elmsford, NY. Everyone there is an extreme animal lover who volunteers their time taking care of homeless dogs, cats and rabbits and, to me, I couldn't meet or work with a better bunch of people or more wonderful dogs starving for attention (and more treats) and working with them to help them become more adoptable.
On June 11 Pets Alive will be hosting their annual FUR BALL and I want to get the word out to everyone I know.
If you're a business or simply a compassionate animal lover, check out their website to find out how you can help by donating an auction item, becoming a sponsor or a patron or by attending this fun gala.
Pets Alive Westchester is part of the Pets Alive Organization, one of the oldest and largest no-kill animal organizations in the US and saves over 2,000 animals each year. ALL the proceeds from the Fur Ball will go directly to helping the animals.
Please check their website for more detailed information. www.petsalive.org
I will be there helping out with the cocktail reception, formal dinner, dancing (maybe cut the rug a bit myself) and fabulous auctions (Lollypups Petwear sweater and scarf included-- and a super elegant custom made harness and leash!) There will be an online auction as well, so if you can't attend, you can still bid on the items. Or if you prefer, ANY donation will be SUPER appreciated.
Check back on my blog, lollypupspetwear.blogspot.com for updates, I'll keep you posted as news and information comes in. Off I go now, to take my "senior" charges out for some exercise.
JoAnn & Lacy
My days are hectic and filled with tasks both personal, business and volunteer. Wedding plans continue for daughter #2, baby shower and first grandson on the way for daughter #1, preparations for the Las Vagas, SuperZoo Pet product trade fair in September with some great new products in development.....and then there are the sweet old dogs and young, energetic pups I love to visit at Pets Alive rescue shelter, in Elmsford, NY. Everyone there is an extreme animal lover who volunteers their time taking care of homeless dogs, cats and rabbits and, to me, I couldn't meet or work with a better bunch of people or more wonderful dogs starving for attention (and more treats) and working with them to help them become more adoptable.
On June 11 Pets Alive will be hosting their annual FUR BALL and I want to get the word out to everyone I know.
If you're a business or simply a compassionate animal lover, check out their website to find out how you can help by donating an auction item, becoming a sponsor or a patron or by attending this fun gala.
Pets Alive Westchester is part of the Pets Alive Organization, one of the oldest and largest no-kill animal organizations in the US and saves over 2,000 animals each year. ALL the proceeds from the Fur Ball will go directly to helping the animals.
Please check their website for more detailed information. www.petsalive.org
I will be there helping out with the cocktail reception, formal dinner, dancing (maybe cut the rug a bit myself) and fabulous auctions (Lollypups Petwear sweater and scarf included-- and a super elegant custom made harness and leash!) There will be an online auction as well, so if you can't attend, you can still bid on the items. Or if you prefer, ANY donation will be SUPER appreciated.
Check back on my blog, lollypupspetwear.blogspot.com for updates, I'll keep you posted as news and information comes in. Off I go now, to take my "senior" charges out for some exercise.
JoAnn & Lacy
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hi ho, hi ho...it's off to work I go.......
Sometimes a girl just has to do what a girl has to do.......so, mug of strong coffee beside me, I embarked on a midnight excursion through cyberspace in pursuit of something absolutely extraordinary in the way of summer print fabrics. (read chic and cheap) Off I go through Googleland, unearthing this and that and being bombarded with inspiration up the wazoo at the same time.......I love this!
3 more pieces are final for the spring/summer collection of harnesses by 2:30AM and I'm SO ready to nod off, in a good way. Tomorrow is going to be busy. Dentist first then Email appointments with resources are set and ideas are to the max so it’s time for executive decisions. A trek into Manhattan is required to find what else I need! Meetings with vinyl suppler, leash maker, trim and embellishments for the new fabrics. Then back to my other life. A bridal veil to order for Em and weather permitting, dinner in Andy and Ellen’s garden to top off a hopefully productive shopping trip.
I’m so loving the little ooh la la French number cotton I found on line, and a more graphic heart pattern, and will post the new styles once complete. But doing girls is easy. It’s the boys I need to focus on, not that the summer is their season. Brushed wools and plaids are more suitable for them during the winter months. Handsome. Masculine. Different. I’ll focus on an unusual plaid or stripe and printed lining for them I think. and found one that's a madras plaid patchwork in denim blues and neutrals. So off I go to work......hi ho.
3 more pieces are final for the spring/summer collection of harnesses by 2:30AM and I'm SO ready to nod off, in a good way. Tomorrow is going to be busy. Dentist first then Email appointments with resources are set and ideas are to the max so it’s time for executive decisions. A trek into Manhattan is required to find what else I need! Meetings with vinyl suppler, leash maker, trim and embellishments for the new fabrics. Then back to my other life. A bridal veil to order for Em and weather permitting, dinner in Andy and Ellen’s garden to top off a hopefully productive shopping trip.
I’m so loving the little ooh la la French number cotton I found on line, and a more graphic heart pattern, and will post the new styles once complete. But doing girls is easy. It’s the boys I need to focus on, not that the summer is their season. Brushed wools and plaids are more suitable for them during the winter months. Handsome. Masculine. Different. I’ll focus on an unusual plaid or stripe and printed lining for them I think. and found one that's a madras plaid patchwork in denim blues and neutrals. So off I go to work......hi ho.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Updates and Upstarts........
Lacy has decided that she wants ALL of my attention this week. At times she's been sassy, energetic, eccentric, and downright pesky. I tried everything to appease her.....early dinners, walks outside every 15 minutes, treats, praise.......but here she is at my feet once again, standing on her hind legs and "quarking"--making a guttural sound resembling something between a quack and a bark. As I rise to pick her up and maybe cuddle her into submission, she turns and bolts from the studio, then stands in the hallway and whimpers. How do I get any work done?? Well, here's a clue
I was able to contact a couple of vendors in NYC willing to sell me low minimums for my little biz. Two in particular were very accommodating and willing to send me swatches of what I was interested in.
I also physically went to a warehouse nearby and checked out his high-end cotton sateen patterns and ended up buying rolls of less then 10 yards as well as contrast linings. (and left Lacy to pester Jeff). So now, I have two prints planned for summer harnesses. Next week will be a busy one. The Indigo show is upon us again and it's always great to see what kinds of prints and color trends are out there. With the patterns finished and ready for Igor, I'll be able to discuss samples now that I have the yardage for them and the matching leashes. All this is in preparation for Superzoo in September. This time I want to get a vendor booth and sell wholesale. Got my free flight from Jet Blue and the rooms are cheap, cheap, cheap..........so, all I'll have to pay for is the booth. Still a big expense but worth it. The attendance was up from last year!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Mood: pensive..............
Lacy is curled at my feet in the studio, as is her routine in late afternoon. I look down at her as she smacks her lips while dreaming. Of what, I can only imagine, reminding me that soon she'll want dinner. My eyes move over to my right foot still covered in a bandage to keep the golf-ball size swelling at bay, though it doesn't do much for the throbbing. My ankle injury has lasted for two weeks now and gone from basketball, to bocce ball, to baseball sized swelling. We travelled to Florida the beginning of March because New York's angry chill drove us from where the snow and ice remained defiantly covering the surface of the property, to seek out a less harsh climate. Lacy and I would take our walks back home, with little baby steps, gingerly.....cautiously. Maybe, with a bit of a stumble on a hidden rock now and then but no major mishaps for either of our old bodies.
But it's in Florida, on my brisk power walk to the gym, where I take a clumsy step into an unseen hole at the edge of the sidewalk. It's here, at the immaculately kept complex of my brother in law and sister-in-law where we will be staying for a week, where I crash down to the pavement and wrench my ankle, not on my treacherous, ice covered stepping stones at home. Had I turned around and gone back and iced it instead of insisting that I was fine, and continuing on to the gym to do my 45 minute workout..... Well, I suppose the results of the fall would have been the same no matter what I did. So my "vacation" was spent hobbling on crutches yet I was still hell bent on wearing my Vivian Westwood Heart pumps at our friend's son's wedding three days away.
That, of course, was not to be and one shoe had to suffice, no matter how un-chic my other foot looked.... which resembled a bound baked potato. We did make it to the beach one day and I'm almost through crocheting my soon to be grandson's sweater...... I finished "The Art of Racing in the Rain", (when else would I ever sit long enough to actually read a book!!)
I guess some good comes out of all calamity. I've no business complaining at all after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan so I won't. Such disasters only put puny things in perspective, while we search through newspapers and internet postings of the tragedy, trying to wrap our minds around the colossal inhumanity of it all.
Or maybe, hoping to find a tidbit of humanity amid the rubble and mud..... a rescue after 9 days trapped under rubble, the joyous tears of a daughter reunited with her mother.........my heart breaks for the people and my heart breaks for the lost animals-- http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110316/ts_yblog_thelookout/dog-in-japan-stays-by-the-side-of-its-ailing-friend-in-the-rubble
Just so I am continually reminded why I love dogs so much. And why a sprained ankle and Vivian Westwood Heart pumps are so meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Peace.
Just so I am continually reminded why I love dogs so much. And why a sprained ankle and Vivian Westwood Heart pumps are so meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Peace.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Spring harness development
Yesterday was development day and my trek into the garment district of NYC proved to be (finally) a success. I found four stunning 100% cotton qualities at reasonable prices and discovered many new trims, but bought two that I could use for now. I'm also getting e/mails from the vendors I visited at Texworld last month with fabric information and trim prices so much is coming together. I LOVE this phase of development. In a nano second, a pattern or fabric will catch my eye and a silhouette pops into my brain. All the research on closures and interesting details I'd done over the past months seem to fly out of my temporal lobe filing cabinet and float together with the fabrics, embellishments and lining colors and the garments practically design themselves.
Had lunch with my good friend Suzanne, fabric maven and super sales agent, and talked about the possibility of her hooking me up with converters who don't have giant minimums. Next conversation.... how does one introverted designer become an ace sales person without feeling personally hurt every time someone doesn't buy my product. Of all the hats I must wear, this is the most important and the only one I have the biggest problem with. Go figure.
Lacy is making the most obscene, guttural noises and yips........almost like she's trying to speak in human words. Which reminds me of the terrific book I'm reading "The Art of Racing in the Rain" a novel by Garth Stein. Enzo is also an old dog and human life is viewed from his perspective and amazing insight. Lacy however, just wants to eat....too early old girl.
The weekend will be for doing girly wedding things again and a visit to my dad, so not much design time until we leave for Florida on Tuesday. I'll be antsy, I know, because we'll be gone for a week and I won't be able to do much in the way of designing so, I'll do as much as I can today.......and off I go.
Had lunch with my good friend Suzanne, fabric maven and super sales agent, and talked about the possibility of her hooking me up with converters who don't have giant minimums. Next conversation.... how does one introverted designer become an ace sales person without feeling personally hurt every time someone doesn't buy my product. Of all the hats I must wear, this is the most important and the only one I have the biggest problem with. Go figure.
Lacy is making the most obscene, guttural noises and yips........almost like she's trying to speak in human words. Which reminds me of the terrific book I'm reading "The Art of Racing in the Rain" a novel by Garth Stein. Enzo is also an old dog and human life is viewed from his perspective and amazing insight. Lacy however, just wants to eat....too early old girl.
The weekend will be for doing girly wedding things again and a visit to my dad, so not much design time until we leave for Florida on Tuesday. I'll be antsy, I know, because we'll be gone for a week and I won't be able to do much in the way of designing so, I'll do as much as I can today.......and off I go.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Fashion filled weekend.........doggie and human
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Quiet after the storm.........
The wind shakes the ice encrusted branches and pelts the house with frozen shards. It sounds weird against the siding and against the windows, breaking the quiet of the night time. In the morning Lacy and I go out and the ground is covered with little ice pellets sparkling in the morning light like broken glass, beautiful but treacherous. Lacy needs boots I think. She gingerly steps down on the path I've tried to shovel for her, then turns and looks at me. I know what she's thinking and go and get her "chew socks", (infant socks I put on her when she chews on her paws). She hates them, but they help. It's too cold to stay outside and the snow is too deep to walk around the property, so she takes care of business and walks back to the house, stopping at the door. I have to put a towel on top of the rubber mat outside the doorway because it's frozen and sharp on her paws and she refuses to walk on it even with the socks.
Jeff's in California and Lacy is confused, walking into his office and barking at his empty chair. These are the times we rely on each other the most, I to calm her and she to calm me. I'm ok being apart from my spouse, I get a lot done and do it all my way, but it's still a strange sensation when the house is so quiet. I put on my music and get to work on more designs which puts me in a whole other zen place.
I donned my graphic designer hat yesterday, and finished the ad for Doggie Aficinado magazine, my third and last. The issue comes out in March. They will also put a spot on their web page www.poochcity.com once I send that too. I'll have an ad in Modern Dog for their spring advertorial section, I believe that's this month. Let's see if all this works to help sales.
Meanwhile, still prepping for the Pre-Westminster Gala on February 11th. I'll go into the city tomorrow and meet with Robin, my table-mate, to hash out set up details. Then to shop for more trims and fabrics for the spring collection and hopefully, meet with Igor about sample making. Now that the patterns are all done and graded and the protos made, I'm ready for the next step.....costing. :(
To end, a little color amid all this whiteness.........
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
With all the snow comes.............WHITE INSPIRATION
It's a marshmellow world out there, warmth is the thought of the day, and sweaters are the necessity with which to achieve protection against yet another of mother nature's fluffy blanket layers. I watch Lacy during her morning ritual, out in the fresh powder. I'm bundled up in black but the sweater she wears stands out boldly against the backdrop of white. Color is so uplifting when all around you is just white.
I see too that white is not just stark white. There are colors in the snow that are the palest of pale, sugar-coated mauves, taupes, blues and pinks. They have a lucidity to them and as I look about me, I see that in nature as in fashion, where there's pale, there's a pop of contrast. Plum and taupe colored tree branches and grasses, also dusted with new snow, stand in dark contrast to all the pale shadows that envelop them.
Came across this image which really illustrates the feeling of dusted pales (Thanks to "allthebeautifulthings" by Zoreta).
I attended the Texworld USA textile show last week and (gratefully) it only rained one day so I was able to take advantage of two days of seminars and fabric & trim shopping. I find myself amidst booths of fabrics, garments, embellishments and all things textile, and I get sense of being in the center of an exotic bazaar. The technology in fabrications, the colors, the textures, are so delicious I was like a kid running amok at FAO Schwartz.
I sampled an amazing brushed fleece with cire nylon flowers; a denim with copper printing and a chambray and denim jacquard. The buttons and trims were just what I was looking for and some reps are located in NYC as well as Asia making it even easier to find and obtain them. We'll be making some very fashionable cloth harnesses for next season and I'm delighting in the whole development phase once again. So with these new fabric and trim sources, my happy-go-lucky manufacturer in the garment district, and the color inspiration of today's musings, Lollypups will have much to offer in the future. Onward we tread.
Pre-Westminster gala, February 11 at the Hotel Pennsylvania, will have sweaters and some of the harnesses available. We'll be there and I'm excited!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Sobering wake up call's are necessary now and then
After the holidays, I decided to take a much needed respite from the business of business and immersed myself in just creating for the past couple of weeks. But the brain is a stubborn organ and sneaks in little jolts of guilt mixed with reflections on how I can make this business work. Happily, I managed to get some new designs completed and figure out my next strategic move while doing it.I took the harnesses to a contractor in the garment district, no world traveling needed to cut costs right there. His name was Igor and he reminded me of a cartoon about a bee that I loved as a child. He was round, jolly, smiling, spoke with a thick European accent (not the bee) all the while flitting about answering employee's questions, overseeing the work room and signing for deliveries. He was quick with suggestions about how to do the harnesses correctly, coupled with long explanations to verify his points. I was grateful for that. He talked about his bulldog and how he would never wear clothing but praised the styling of the harnesses and even loved the sweaters, asking questions about them. We ended our meeting with him saying, why don't you take these sweaters to Bloomingdales?? I explained that they're too expensive to be sold wholesale, that I've been selling them on line and at vendor shows, to which he replied, "People who buy expensive items like this, go to stores. They don't shop on line". There is some truth in that (a lot in fact) The people who had purchased my sweaters at the shows, felt them and examined the details. It's the feel of the alpaca, it's softness and warmth, the uniqueness of them that can't be totally appreciated on a web page.
I wrote to Patricia in Peru telling her I was rethinking my strategy and that if we continue doing business we have to figure out a way to cut the cost considerably so I can offer new styles to wholesale venues. She’s working on it and will send me new materials to consider. Either way, I won't go into production until I get the orders to back it up.
A second blizzard halted my plans to go to the Indigo print show this week to do some color and trend research, but I did manage one day at Printsource before the deluge. Because it's for Sp/Su.2012, there were no knit swatches and the same type of prints were shown, booth after booth. The kid's stuff was outstanding but the rest was just more of the same.
Next step, I'll give Igor my specs and pattern information and he'll make up a set of samples for me that I can present them at the trade shows as well as figure the yield of the harnesses. I’m guessing 6 to 8 per yard. It’s on to the Texworld show next week to find suitable fabrics and vendors willing to sell me closeout couture fabrics at cheap prices.
Meanwhile, Lollypups sweaters are now being offered at Bark and Meow, a small pet boutique in Tarrytown, NY. All these snowfalls may prompt a few local shoppers into purchasing a sweater or two for their shivering fur babies!
I wrote to Patricia in Peru telling her I was rethinking my strategy and that if we continue doing business we have to figure out a way to cut the cost considerably so I can offer new styles to wholesale venues. She’s working on it and will send me new materials to consider. Either way, I won't go into production until I get the orders to back it up.
A second blizzard halted my plans to go to the Indigo print show this week to do some color and trend research, but I did manage one day at Printsource before the deluge. Because it's for Sp/Su.2012, there were no knit swatches and the same type of prints were shown, booth after booth. The kid's stuff was outstanding but the rest was just more of the same.
Next step, I'll give Igor my specs and pattern information and he'll make up a set of samples for me that I can present them at the trade shows as well as figure the yield of the harnesses. I’m guessing 6 to 8 per yard. It’s on to the Texworld show next week to find suitable fabrics and vendors willing to sell me closeout couture fabrics at cheap prices.
Meanwhile, Lollypups sweaters are now being offered at Bark and Meow, a small pet boutique in Tarrytown, NY. All these snowfalls may prompt a few local shoppers into purchasing a sweater or two for their shivering fur babies!
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