Berkshire Botanical Gardens Holiday Market place Dec. 3, 4, 5 2010
This shot of Ms. Lacy sums up our weekend. Could I but climb in beside her........She was the hit of the Berkshire Botanical Gardens Holiday Marketplace, as were the sweaters! Can't say sales were outstanding but I broke even and made a small profit.
Also, I learned:
a) 3 people had bichons larger than Lacy and not as well behaved
b) 4 people had poodles all of whom were the "smartest dogs on the planet".
c) 8 people had dogs too large to fit into Lollypups sweaters, or too tough and macho for sweaters!
d) 11 people had dogs who passed away this year ( about depressing!)
e) 4 people whose dog had died said they couldn't bear to get another
f) 1 woman said she'd get another dog once she retires, and 1 woman will get another dog when she stops travelling
g) 1 husband flatly refused to let his wife buy a sweater for their dog.......and she came back 5 minutes later and did anyway. (You go girl!)
h) dogs were named: Killer (poodle),Sadie (border collie), Pete, Zac, Molly and Sacha.
j) 76 brochures were handed out to be passed on to daughters, sons, friends, mothers, aunts, nieces or to order on line after measuring their pet. Or were simply being polite as I thrust it into the hands of browsers!
k) 1 woman advised me that I needed a publicist to get the product noticed (Yes, but it takes $$) then came back and gave me other "ideas". Her husband came by and taught me how to correctly teach Lacy to "sit" since I was doing it all wrong. (he was right)
l) a woman stopped and raved about my burlap swag!!! and offered to buy it. (huh?) no mention of the products sitting on the table below it. I let her take pictures............
m) and lastly, a woman came with her black dog on a leash, and said as Lacy approached it, "don't let her near him. He'll think she's a rabbit and eat her" I didn't.
For the gala opening on Friday night, there was an open bar and the chardonnay flowed. I sampled the most phenomenal cheeses and a duck something or other (brain freeze) that was to die for from Popovich Provisions ( did a bit of my own holiday shopping, at with beautiful and affordable silver and gemstone jewelry, also fair trade produced.
All in all, Lacy entertained everyone by looking beautiful, I was entertained by everyone listening to their dog stories and the praise for the sweaters was gushed liberally by all (smile).
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