For our pet loving fans across the pond, September is national dog adoption month. For the US, it's in October, but I'll spread the word any day of any month of the year, no matter where it's promoted. Here's the link: http://www.dogadoptionmonth.co.uk/
Promoting pet adoption has always been a topic near and dear to my heart and Lollypups Petwear tries to do it's part in supporting this worthy cause.
I'm also in the process of adopting a companion for Lacy (and me) and I'm getting quite an education in doing so. The shelters don't just hand out puppies like they used to years ago. It's now a lengthy process and a very necessary one because the dogs are cared for by the shelter that houses them, and medical care, food etc. costs money. There's an application process so that the right parent is chosen for the right dog. That's ok with me since Lacy and I are always around, and we have all the prerequisites for making a good home for any pet. Because of my allergies, I'm limited to what I can adopt and may have to consider fostering an animal first to make sure Lacy, me and my malfunctioning sinuses are compatible. It's a thought.... although knowing me, I'd run for the Claritin if I fell in love with a foster. It works when my 2 terrier grand dogs visit.
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