............so here we are again, stuck in the quagmire of business blah blah blah......It is most unfortunate that an artist's sensibility is stifled by REALITY. The reality of a situation is what one must focus on in these "so called" uncertain times. I know things are uncertain. big whoops............ What makes me crazy is that .......I've done EVERYTHING right!
(hmmm.........well, almost)
Enter.........this thing called "recession" . Yep, that's what it is. It's a RECESSION. No money to be spent on..............well, anything. People are holding onto their dough. Very careful about where it's going and for what. We're all trying to keep our heads above water but who in their right mind will spend $80.00 on a beautiful sweater for their beloved pet. What am I trying to do here??
OK.......enough self pity. Updates in brief are:
Another sweater style, called "Candy", is completed; still terrified to approach a bank for capital (see above ); sketches and ideas are pouring out of my brain; the ongoing pursuit of quality manufacturers has segued to Peru, the mish-mash wool and intarsia sweater capital of the world (all those alpaca make for some very beautiful yarns). So on I plod.
PS. Lacy went under the knife today and had 7 cysts removed, poor girl. She's doing fine but has to wear one of those cone collars until the stitches come out. She won't be posing for ten days so I'm glad she let me take her picture yesterday in the new sweater.
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