Yes, I had a fabulous birthday. Jeff took me to see "War Horse" , a play I so adored I'm compelled to go again. Drinks afterwards with our friend David Landsbury, who played Hauptmann Fredrick Mueller and was beyond unrivaled. Then the fiddler extraordinaire Eileen Ivers in concert the following day. All I could say was "holy crap" on both occasions(nice JoAnn, how dignified!!) But what an awesome weekend of mind poetry it was.
So, I holed up in the studio with Ms. Lacy, closing the door behind me, to keep out the dust and noise , and became lost in the black hole of cyberspace, various computer repairs, CAD programs and youtube posts, (both necessary and ridiculous.......such as, watching the antics of dogs gone viral.) Why? Because I think a cute attack was eminent. Smiling dogs make a day grand!...... Snap out of it for god’s sake! I don't need to be ENTERTAINED I need to WORK.

What’s on the drawing board?....... . Question: How hard is it to find a simple black and white cotton printed one eighth inch stripe? Answer: VERY. So, for now, here’s a solid khaki cotton twill harness with cream/black mattress ticking peplum and button loop detail. Matching leash has a ticking stripe bag holder attached. So freakin’ cute that Ms. Lacy will have one in her chifforobe for sure. (flowers may or may not stay)
There is a step-in harness in the works, (seems like forever but hey, these things take time and a lot of thought) for the beloved senior dogs to whom I am particularly partial (for obvious reasons). Here’s the thing: Ms. Lacy stumbles now and then, arthritic knees, weakened joints due to her advanced age, not a lot, but now and then.
There should be a harness that’s summer friendly.... open, cool..... and chic for ALL senior dogs, large and small…….broad chested and tapered………slipping on with ease. So that’s what I’m in the process of constructing. Pictures to follow.
This time of “hiding” has actually been more of a “regrouping”…. A think tank of one if you will…and happily, something good has been accomplished through my self-imposed solitary confinement. Anyway, Lacy thinks so.
The bathrooms are great, the house smells new...a rebirth for all.
Peace and pats... and happy Spring!